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AddRat said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Okay. Read and watched enough reviews to know that this game has been stunted for casuals completely and this will hurt them, it's the un apologetic depth and difficulty that made World a hit. Idk how many more people they think they can get in, why so greedy. This will likely have an adverse effect and push the people they have away. Short and even less challenging than Rises campaign and even the end game is so, yeah, they'll compensate with the Expansion like they did with Sunbreak but it'll be over compensation again. Might skip this completely. Sub 50 hours with no challenge or need to gear. What's the point. They took the literally point of the game out. A pity.

"Unapologetic depth and difficulty that made World a hit"

This is off by a long shot. Base world was one of the easiest MH games up until that point. It was also streamlined to hell compared to the previous games. The conversation you are having right now is the exact same that was happening when world came out. Yet is made the series explode in sales.

World only got any semblance of the difficulty the series is known for with its Iceborne expansion (or the post-game updates if you count those). But by then the base game was already selling like hotcakes.

MHWilds seems to go even further into that direction, especially with the streamlining, but using World as the baseline for non-casual, hard MH when it was the biggest step towards this direction up until that point is a weird take.

It wasn't streamlined, it was evolved from nonsense segregated maps and bad design. This is a completely different situation. Same with Rise, they get a pass with that cause of the hardware and the way they done it with the power ups and arcade feel made sense. The world games are supposed to be challenging from the get go. You're supposed to be spending 30+ minutes on a fight, not less than 15 and often 5-10 like in wilds.