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After reviewing the evidence and some heavy thought (way more than this topic deserves) I'd say it is indeed 10th gen and Switch started the 9th gen. They brought HD Rumble which was the first sign of haptics even though it is not really haptics but a cheap imitation, it may be a weaker system but that's not changed categorization before but mainly for one fact, and this was difficult to see back in 2017 cause it was inverted but now Switch has spent more time with the other two in 9th gen than the other two in 8th gen and unless something catastrophic happens (The ps5 is set for '27 and I'm sure they are eager to get new hardware out there in masse with PSSR built in after the mess that is this gen and FSR, now realising most people want 60fps at graphical loss).

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 29 January 2025