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No. 9 Metal Gear Solid 2

There was a time when MGS 1 and 2 would be in my top spot, for many years and to it's credit it took over a decade for them to be pushed out and soon, they both will be out of the top ten, a credit to how far gaming has come. This game was so far ahead of it's time technically but after a recent playthrpugh I find the nostalgia worn off and it's much easier to see it's flaws and where it fails which is disappointing but that said it's still incredible and manages to hold on and some of the sci fi aspects of the game have become more so, sci reality today with shocking levels of similarity to problems we are facing today in some of the areas of the story that were the most outlandish back in the early 00's. MGS5 may have came along and perfected the gameplay aspects of a MGS game but never did a title come around to beating the story or the tone in the first two MGS's and particularly this one, I disagree with the MG3 love and as I weigh it up, that game doesn't even make my top 50, although I'm sure it would have had bavk in the day. The tone, the themes and the little gamrplay details and much more, make this game better than it should be in current day. Perhaps MGS3 Delta will add whatever is missing in MGS3 and it may reach closer to this title.  Fingers crossed for next year.