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Leynos said:
SvennoJ said:

I works in Spiderman 2 though. The default RT options that is. It managed a locked 30fps on base PS5 and now a locked 60fps on PS5 Pro. Just if you go for fidelity mode on Pro it throws in more hardly noticeable RT improvements which without a VRR display create terrible fps dips while swinging around.

That has also become a problem, relying on VRR. It's great for higher frame rates over 60 fps to maintain perceived stability, but it's a bad crutch for games that can't reach 60 fps. Big swings under 60 fps remain very distracting and don't help image reconstruction techniques.

Horizon looks amazing yet there running around water you notice it's still limited by screen space reflections, at the edges the reflections are missing or look weird. You only see it while running along water, not all that distracting. Certainly not like huge frame drops or upscaling artifacts.

I'm sure RT can put more 'realism' in scenes like this

Flood it with shadows and ray traced lighting. Yet for now it's not worth the performance cost. RT is great when you can switch to it and not have to do all the lighting work, shadow and reflection maps. But now it's just an extra, no time saver, more work. And thus not the priority for optimization.

RT might make this look better too, or worse

Running at a locked 60 FPS makes it look more impressive than adding RT reflections at 30 fps, imo.

It looks great without RT, not missing it.

Just like VR, RT is still in its experimental stage. Too early to switch to, can add depth but mostly adds performance woes.

Yes pretty images of a static environment that doesn't react to players' actions at all and VR has been in the experimental phase for 40 years. Sorry, but $300 tablet with a game with an environment that is dynamic and actually interactive with many moving parts is more impressive than $700 and a static one.

Well in defense Horizon Burning shore is stunning in motion too and has many moving parts, weather effects, particle effects and emergent gameplay on top too with enemies that are modular. This is not the game to make that point but I understand the point.