I can't believe I doubted them. It doesn't feel 60fps and it doesn't feel 30 but somewhere in between or if it is 30 it's a really good 30 nut what really makes the difference is how it plays, it plays SO much better than World on ps4 and particularly Iceborne on PS4 PRO which I remember being sluggish as hell. It plays somewhere between World and Rise. It's early in the beta for me, perhaps things take a dip when in high stakes situations but right now, this first Monster feels incredibly smooth. Graphics aren't "next gen" but they are mildly impressive, the monsters anyway but mainly because of the physics, animations and movements. I'm wildly impressed very early on although my Insect glance feels different for some reason but perhaps that's from coming off of Sunbreak with really speedy bugs.
The HDR is perfectly tuned with presets and makes the game look so much better than the YouTube previews. The overly sharpened look isn't there on base ps5 and it uses the Duel sense quite a lot and uniquely.
Very good stuff so far and still 4 months from launch.
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 29 October 2024