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Finished The Walking Dead.
It was much better than I had anticipated, but overall I would say it was just decent. I didn't really like the inconsistency of so many episodes being quite good or quite bad. The first couple seasons were more balanced but after that it varies quite a bit.

Now there is one thing I have to give massive props to, and that's the episode where the group finally runs into Negan himself. HO LY SHIT. That was the most immersive piece of media I have ever experienced BY FAR, BAR NONE.
It's the only time in my life where I had a bit of a 'coming to moment' near the end of the episode, where it took me a few seconds to realize I was just sitting, watching a screen, with my hands tightly clenched and my entire body drenched in sweat.
I was totally unaware this was taking place when watching that episode. I don't even know how to explain how good and how intense it was, but it was absolutely amazing.

As for the ending it was good enough considering they had plans to expand the universe or branch out, so it wasn't really the end overall.