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  • First - You came in to generalise the entire thread as "nobody’s debating in good faith"
  • Then when being called out on it, your response is to accuse a user of only acting like he cares about stuff.
  • When said user calls you out further, you insult him.
  • You acknowledge you was a dick but offer no apology or display any caring.
  • When someone (me) puts the effort in to respond to you, all I receive is dismissive bullshit.
  • Then you say that you're leaving because and I quote "I don't see my mind changing" and "nor did I expect to...that's why I avoid this forum"
  • Then you respond to Pi-Guy, not to actually respond to his points, but to throw a dig at another user.
  • Then instead of responding to multiple rebuttals, you whip out the finals excuse.
  • You finally return! The legendary post is coming today! Posted 2 days ago.
  • Still no response.
  • I tell you to respond to Zorg who you still haven't after having weeks to do so.
  • Still too busy to respond to him.
  • We finally start having a debate only for you to immediately shut it down and run away because you didn't like my responses, at the same time you straight up admit that "I haven’t ignored it. I specifically told you in the past that I’m not going to waste my time reading your giant articles of information. So I don’t even know your stances."
  • Repeat debunked nonsense, probably because Mr PHD doesn't read responses.
  • I tell you to respond to Zorg's comment, you provide more excuses, after having weeks.
  • You complain about having to research in a debate...Implying you didn't even bother doing research beforehand.

I gave you a deadline, Mr Maths PHD in a University should be used to deadlines but after weeks you still are unable to do the most basic of requests in a debate forum after being the one to cause all this drama to begin with, I told you to respond to Zorg. You didn't. You're wasting everyone's time. This thread is drowned out by a single issue thanks to you.