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erg. i’m stuck between a rock and a hardplace. I really do want to give your guys’ points the time of day, but I really don’t have time to be talking too much on this. I have math I need to focus on, and politics are the last thing I want on the forefront of my mind. I can certainly give responses, but it would take time (as y’all are certainly aware). *This is especially the case when one guy chooses to type up an entire hour’s worth of readings in every response.* I mean seriously, do you guys see how much I would need to read and research in response to that one mini-comment I left? You guys left a page-and-a-half of remarks. That’ll take hours for me to provide anything remotely sufficient.

i’ll contemplate just dropping out of the forum entirely, and give my essay in due time. I just don’t have time for this, unfortunately. :/ if ryuu would be willing to concede, I’d be willing to stay. But I literally can’t do this bc one guy chooses to ruin it. Pi-Guy and Dino dude have been perfectly fine, and I enjoy reading their remarks. But I am at a loss with Ryuu.