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Ryuu96 said:
firebush03 said:

"You are correct in stating that Russia has no excuse in invading another country. We agree on this."

Great, so stop making excuses for Russia's invasion and blaming anyone else but Russia.

Do you believe that we should consider the Ukrainian-Russian Conflict from a perspective which examines what led to Russia committing such an inexcusable deed?

The reason is a land grab, as simple as that, an attempt to restore Soviet Union's glory, as Russia themselves have alluded to and Russian State Media has parroted, Ukraine as a country does not exist and always belonged to Russia according to them. NATO is not the reason for the invasion but it is the thing that could stop an invasion.

I don't give a shit about the NATO excuse as a reason, I don't get to fly over to America and punch you in the face because I claim I feel threatened by you.

"As well history will inevitably repeat itself."

  • Like when Russia invaded Crimea and the world did nothing ultimately leading them to attempting to take the rest of Ukraine?
  • Like when Russia invaded Georgia and the world did nothing?
  • Like when Russia invaded Chechnya and the world did nothing?

"Never again" is a motto used after WW2 because we must not let history repeat itself. People believe that standing up to evil like Russia brings us closer to WW3 but I would argue the opposite, sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring evil only allows it to grow stronger and more embolden. When it knows that nobody will stand up to it, it will become even more greedy. The last time America tried to ignore a major conflict, they found that eventually, evil came to them, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour.

"I don’t think you want another war to emerge which could’ve potentially been avoided had one country taken different steps to address the issue."

Another war will almost certainly happen if Russia takes Ukraine, Russia right now is in war economy mode, its entire country is focused on one thing now, that is war, Putin's ambitions don't stop with Ukraine, he has already laid the groundwork with Georgia (see Abkhazia and South Ossetia) and Moldova (see Transnistria) not to mention Russian officials routinely threaten Baltic States.

Same logic they use against all former Soviet-States is that they don't exist or never officially left the Soviet Union.

There is nothing Ukraine could have done to avoid Russia invading them and in case you aren't aware, the invasion started in 2014 with Crimea, another time Russia justified as invading because "they never officially gave it over to Ukraine" even though, they did, Lol.

The only way Ukraine can avoid further conflict with Russia is by joining NATO.

We've already been through this shit before, Russia invaded Crimea and people like you were screaming "Just let Russia have it! We need peace!" and so our response was pathetic and then in 2022, Russia decides it's time to invade the rest of Ukraine, despite the fact that Ukraine couldn't join NATO because they were already in active conflict with Russia.

People like you are so utterly naïve that you think the agreement which Russia wants with Ukraine (de-militarisation, a block from joining NATO) won't just result in Russia reforming their battered army and trying again a few years later to take more of Ukraine, and when they've taken more, I'm sure people like you once again will scream "WE NEED PEACE, IT'S NATO'S FAULT. LET RUSSIA HAVE IT" and Russia will gain even more land, bit by bit, invasion by invasion, they will gain land, why do I know this? Because they've literally already done it!

I consider you a victim blamer because you are saying it's Ukraine's fault for wanting to be in NATO while Ukrainians are being slaughtered everyday.

The rest of this section of your post is confusing the hell out of me.

Zelenski wants peace talks. The U.S. shuts them down.

Once again, acting like Ukraine has no agency. Zelenskyy* abandoned peace talks with Russia a while ago because they were bullshit "peace" talks which required full capitulation by Ukraine, they abandoned the peace talks because Russia continued committing atrocities during them, they abandoned peace talks because how can they now make peace with Russia after Bucha? After Mariupol? After Bakhmut? After Russia has slaughtered thousands of Ukrainians, destroyed their home, only for Zelenskyy to turn around and say "you all died for nothing, Russia wins"

There you go, from Zelenskyy himself. Once again you spread nonsense Russian propaganda.

Let me use my example earlier, if someone broke into your neighbours home, slaughtered half his family, then demanded the neighbour accept peace talks wherein the murderer would be given half the house and a promise by the neighbour not to go to the police and surrender all his weapons, would you be telling him to accept that offer and blaming him for not accepting it?

Lots of countries in Europe are having their hand forced into the conflict, though I will not deny there are many — especially those along Russia’s border — who are now strong supporters of Ukraine in this conflict. However, America does objective have the most power, for they are the global superpower.

I can assure you, the Baltics and most of Europe does not give a fuck what America wants in this regard.

alright, I’m done having this conversation with you. I asked three questions, and you answered zero. I took thirty minutes out of my day to type all those remarks, with great thought put into every sentence, and you decide to blindly ignore all my points and resort to spitting up the same lines you’ve always been. If you don’t want to be helped, then I’m truly very sorry. I’ll be discussing with others in the forum from now on, unless you are open to having a good-faith discussion (in which case, let it be known in your response to this post, and I will very happily accept it :) ). I made several concessions, and tried to initiate fair talks. And yet you refuse to back down for even a few seconds to listen to what I’ve got to say. I’ll be chatting with Pi-Guy and dinosaur man from now on when it comes to foreign affairs. I don’t like to be this way, but I feel this is ultimately the best call for my sake.