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MHA still isn't really doing it for me. The Stain arc was a lot better than the Tournament arc (which was just awful), but still not really anything to write home about. The next arc looks okay but I doubt at this point it will really do anything to change my mind. 

Super_Boom said:

I got around to watching Haganai (I Don't Have Friends or something) over the past two weeks. It's been in my pile for a while...and only really knew about if from...doujins...*clears throat and looks to the side*

Most of the anime is fun SoL/harem stuff with some nice ecchi humor. Harem tease was cute, though not particularly deep. The last few episodes of season 2 totally caught me off guard though...and really turned a certain harem cliche completely on its head. Wasn't expecting actual drama in a show like this, but I was actually impressed with how it was executed.

Haganai was a bit frustrating for me. The main two girls were competing to be worst girl and the only good female character was Rika. Like, harems don't work if you hate all of the characters except the one who probably has no chance (though I'd love to be wrong). 

That said, the end of S2 did give me some hope of it actually becoming interesting (but not interesting enough for me to bother with the LNs).