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Cloud's Log: Day 15


Heya all, it's Cloudman here with another log. Last time we dealt with some shinanigens in the mines, like fighting a door, being bomberman and indiana Jones, and fight spinning blocks. Now this time we enter the Lighting Temple to get the summon spirit Volt. So yeah... let's do that!


The Shocking Tale of the Lightning Temple and the Colorful Blocks, and Goodbye Corrine

With our orders given, we enter the Lightning Temple, and it seems pretty small at first. There is a neat puzzle with pushing a button causes a lightning ball to shoot out from one of 3 electric rod things. Pushing the button causes lightning to be shot at YOU. So you have to mess with the 3 rods so you can advance forward, and break a rock to get a new ring function, a lightning blaster. This one shoots blue lightning, which is able to break blue blocks, I guess? Oh, there are also yellow and red blocks here too. You'll be coming back here, if you want treasure that is, at least...

So after clearing the first room, the real challenge starts. This is a big temple. There are many many pathways. At the summon spirit's summoning spot are 3 colored blocked on top of each other: blue, yellow, and red. You have to get all the colors of the rainbow lightning to break them all. There are also rooms with long paths and no fences to keep you from falling, and the room gets dark, so you have to memorize the path ahead of you. It's not too hard, but the lights dimming on and off is a bit on the eyes... Also, you can fall and end up at the beginning. I actually used this a lot as a short cut, haha...

There are also a lot of missable treasures here.  You can climb up stairs to the top of this room, where there are blue blocks with a treasure on it, and a lightning rod switch. BREAK THE BLOCKS FIRST. This will cause the treasure to fall. Then turn on the lightning switch. Lightning wil come and break the floor below you. So yeah, it's important you break the blocks first. Otherwise you can miss out on some nice treasure.

You also have to flip some switches around, because in one room, there is a path below with water, and lightning shooting it from the sky, which you can't access, because water + electricity = bad, mm'kay..? So you will be running around a lot, breaking blocks, making switches fall, and powering things on. It grew quite tiresome. You also have to do this weird slot puzzle where you contrust a path for a lightning current to travel up a specific line to power a machine on. This temple feels like quite a marathon or traveling back and forth, breaking colored rocks and setting switches.


Also, there is something odd about this place and its puzzles. It should be noted that Sheena has tried this before, and failed. Remember that. So, there is one puzzle, the light slot puzzle that, when solved, causes a brige to break, and reveal another path below. What bothers me is that, when I entered the room, the bridge was intact. This got me wondering, if the puzzles were cleared before, why is the bridge fine? Did someone come to fix it? Maybe the temple repairs itself? I dunno... It was weird...


Moving on, we finish the temple and its puzzles, and we find Volt, the summon spirit that is a... big glowy ball with eyes and speaks with "..." and somehow RAINE CAN TRANSLATE IT. Did Raine learn to speak "..."? This just baffled my mind. What is she translating, and how can she understand a summon spirit from another world?! Absurdities aside, we learn that Volt does not want to make a new pact, saying its lost its faith in humanity and refuses to help. He even attacks us. Sheena is about to get hit, when suddenly, Corrine, her weird pet squirrel jumps in and takes a fatal blow, and dies. Then Lloyd comes in to block some attacks as well. Maybe Lloyd could have done the blocking in the first place? Maybe then the little animal wouldn't have died... Cooked rat anyone?

Lloyd gives some encouraging words, and we fight it! Volt is actually a tough guy, using a lot of lightning attacks that are continuous and just drain your health. I died the first time, but I switched out a party member, and crushed him the 2nd time. So we forced hope into Volt, and he joins our side. Suddenly, Volt and the water spirit appear, saying the mana has been severed between both worlds. I don't know what that means, nor if it's good, but we know this is the first time the spirits of both Sylvarant and Tethe 'alla' have been awoken. I guess Mithos didn't do that, haha. History in the making baby! So yeah, we decide we should awaken the rest and see what happens... So with that done, we leave the Lightning Temple with tasty mouse meat one less party member... ;_;


Get the Flying Machines, and Take Flight!

After completing the temple, we learn where the flying machines are. Why in a renegade base of course!!! So we're going to bust in and take them again! So creative... Luckily, a ninja disguised as a renegade lets us in, but unfortunately can't get use to the flying machines. We have to do that ourselves, getting passcodes by beating up guards. Here comes dungeon 2. This one has the gimmick of having laser lights, which you cannot pass, or you will die get hurt. You use blocks that are conveniently placed for you to block the laser paths. You have to do this for every laser you see, and if you mess up, by pushing a block past the laser and beyond your reach, it will disappear and appear behind you. These bases have the weirdest and most inconvenient security system. This is another tiresome dungeon with a lot of pushing blocks around, and using elevators. You also have to find the guards who have the codes. Once you find them all and get all the treasure, you can advance to the top, enter the code and take the machines.. screw it, I'll just call them Rheiards. Typing flying machines is too tiring now.

Actually, we would, but first, a boss fight! 2 of the leaders come and attack us! And they are tough too. My party members ending dwindling in health and start to die off, faster than Raine can cure us. So we slowly died out. I try again with a different party member, and beat him smoothly. I should just have 3 melee fighters and a healer always for these things... 2 magic users doesn't work for me...

So I beat them, and we jump on the Rheiards and take flight! Yes! Now I can go anywhere in the world x ) Also, the party flies synchronized, like an olympic swimming group, haha. Well, with that, we land and end the session, because this is the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend.


That wraps up this play throught of Tales of Symphonia. I hope we have some cool flying adventures next time, but we will see...

See ya next time : D



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