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Cloud's Log: Day 12


Another day, another log. Heya all, Cloudman here with the next log. Last time, I wanted to kill dumb children and their dumb cheating games, I snoozed thru a rich, snoby town, saved my half-elf friends, and fought people on a mountain. We stopped outside of MegaTokyo Meltokio, and now we're gonna bust in! Let's do this...!


Willy Wonka's Super Shrinko Sewer Dungeon, Gotta Have Blue Hair, and I'm On A Boat B*tch!

For one reason or another, my twin tailed fox friend warned us this was one of his least favorite dungeons in the game, so I was somewhat fearing this part. What's wrong with it? Well, this one has a unique ring function with it. The sorcerer's ring allows you to SHRINK yourself into a mini bite-size piece. This is used to cross spider webs and walk down narrow paths.

What I find so strange about this, is that Zelos says he uses this to sneak in and out of the town all the time. Does that mean he uses the shrink mechanic to get in and out? Does everyone just carry sorcerer's rings??? And why make a sewer so complicated?!

Anyways... the gimmick here is shrinking, and using a trash crushing machine to make blocks to push into the water. You have many slots to push them in. Push it into the right slot, and you can cross certain paths and activate switches. Push it down the wrong one, and the block just breaks. The strange this is, is when you successfully do the block puzzle, you can't make anymore blocks. So you push a switch, open a door, and kind of have to figure things out on your own.

Going through the sewers, I found it wasn't so bad, but there is one problem with it: backtracking. There is a part of the sewer where you make a block from the trash machine, push it down a long line of pipes, shrink yourself to cross over webs to continue pushing, push the block down a slot, and then go back and walk the new path you opened. The problem is, you cannot push all the blocks into their proper slots until you explore the new paths opened to you. This means you push one block, go down and do something new, go back up and push another block, go back down again and explore another opened path, and go up again. It becomes tedious very fast. Why not let me do all the work in one go, rather than force me to run back and forth. It was a lil annoying.

One cool thing about this dungeon? Fighting giant rats! Now that was awesome...!



Anyways, we reach the end, and get jumped by hobos. They were hired by the pope to kill us and take Colette. SInce they are hobos, and we are strong warriors, we beat them up, but suddenly, a blue long haired man shows up and brings Zelos down to the ground with his feet. He threatens to kill Zelos, but then sees Presea, who seems to know her and wants to talk. However, she attacks the blue haired man, as do we. They decide to run away.



So we make it out of the dungeon, and make our way to the research institute place. Oh yeah! Sheena joined us again. I think she came outside of Meltokio? I don't remember. Anyways, we learn that Sheena is friends with them, and her friends hook us up with a plan to cross the ocean: with a boat of course! A cargo boat of course! Zelos is offended to be compared to cargon, and Raine hates the sound of riding a boat again. Either way, we gotta do it, but for some reason, our team decided to crash at Zelos's house... This just allows you to talk to your party members. Really, this is just worth seeing Genis embarrassingly trying to talk to Presea, since he has a huge crush on her. And she acts like a robot, so it is kinda awkward.



The next day rolls by, and we head to the closed bridge to get our brand new car! new boat. The boat is like a Dragon Ball Z capsole corp item, allowing the boat to poof in and out of existance whenever we are by docks. How convenient... So with our new boat, we cross the sea and reach the other side, yaay.


We crossed the ocean, yaay!


The plan is to go to the forest, but first, we need to go to Sybak. At the entrance, we meet Kratos, that jerk. He comes to tell us we are still weak (even though I beat him in my file), and that he likes Colette as a zombie more, haha... Anyways, we go back to the jail cell with the half elves and learn about Presea's condition. We learn that exspheres are parasitic and that Presea will die. So we decide that we will help her, and take her home, since we have been trying to do that for the last few play thrus, haha... And with that done, we head to a forest, said to be maze like and dangerous. That will be fun... But we'll save that for next time, cuz...


That's the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend... of this play thru!


See ya next time when we go into this forest x ) Thanks for readin'!



Dance my pretties!

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