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Cloud's Log: Day 6


Heya, Cloud here with another log on the Tales of Symphonia playthru series! x ) These are going smoothly, so I have another report to make. Last time, we took on a human ranch, watch a sliding cat Dorr mayor have the worst day ever, and did a short temple. That just about covers this areas of the world. Time to tie up some loose ends and move on to the next part of the game!

Let's get started...


The Greedy, Yet Kind Old Man, the New Area, Wondering, and the City of Ruins

So after completing the water temple, I pretty much completed everything I needed to do in this section of the game, except for one thing: Giving the stupid old man the Spiritua Statue. Lucky for us, we need to go there anyways. So we reach the Hako-something Peak and check on the old man. We give him the statue, and he lets us LOOK at the book, which looks like... a blue clam shell...? Anyways, it displays an angel language, which I guess Collette can read..??? We find out about the remaining seals, which is wind, the Tower of Salvation, and a mystery one. Well, okay... After we use it, the old man has a change of heart and lets us LOOK at it whenever we like. This man has a heart of gold, I tell ya...


Next, with the pass we earned, we cross to the other side. Yay!

On the other side is well... much of the same, greeny foresty mountainy areas, but with some new enemies of course. One of them is apparently strong, since my team often comments on how dangerous the dragon rider enemy is, but I kill him anyways x ) I begin to explore every piece of the land, crossing to this island hoping to find some treasure, but it's just ruins which I can do nothing with at the moment. So I leave again, in search of riches. Instead, I find a town called Asgard, the City of Ruins. This place has an interesting design, with many homes being made into the walls of the mountains. That's pretty cool. It reminds me of the homes I would make in Minecraft...

Aside from that, there are also rooms with old historical markings and drawings. sort of like cave writings. Before I move on, I buy my gear and do some upgrading, some which I use my GRADE to get necessary material (I feel Plat is cringing at me for using GRADE on something like this, but who cares! I want the better gear!) Now fully geared, I explore every house and talk to every neighbor, doing the usual RPG gaming sin: raiding people's homes!! Honestly, I just want to find the Wonder Chef... Also, this town has 3 Inns. Why~~~...????

After I finish that, I move on to the next part of the game!


The Old Ruins, Raine's Lesson and the Bomb Squad, and Monster Bringing Dance!

The biggest draw to this town are the ruins at the top of the town. A ritual is performed there to ease the wing spirit, by SACRIFICING SOMEONE TO THE BEAST. Our team checks this are out, with Raine letting loose the Archeological Maniac in her. She goes off about the history behind it, Collette asks her to repeat it, over, and over, and over and over again... And well, Genis and Kratos just stand there. At this point you can move around, and behind the ruins are 2 clowns trying to blow it up! Lloyd finds out, and to their dismay, so does Raine, who kicks the 2 trouble makers several times, even when it was her fault the boom was activated. I swear, this game feels more like a comedy sometimes...

The town sage comes in and tells us to leave, saying another researcher caused the wind spirit to become angry. We also hear someone will be sacrificed soon too. So we decide to look into it, and find out the 2 bomber men's friend is going to be sacrificed! Raine steps in and decides to do it herself. Everyone reluctantly agrees and Raine performs the ritual, in a cute outfit too : D She does the dance, and out comes the monster! We jump in in heroic fashion and kill the beast. We are reward with a stone tablet and the thanks of the people.

Now pleased, the 2 previous men come and give thanks too on saving their friend. One of them turns out to be the researcher, which Raine goes with to decipher the stone tablet. The next day, we find out the ruins I was at before is the next destination. So we gear up and leave the town!


The Mausoleum: The Wind Temple

So, my team makes haste to the Mausoleum, the next temple. There, we use the tablet and the hand print of Collette to open the door, and we go in...

...And that's the end of this session! Feels kinda short huh x ) Well, next time, I'm sure we'll clear it and them some. See ya then!



Dance my pretties!

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