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Cloud's Log: Day 9


Hey all! Cloud here again. Welcome back to another Symphonia play thru log. : ) You may have noticed I now include the previous logs above. You can check out my previous logs in case this is your first log you are reading. They can be long though, so you can skip them if you want. Anyways, let's continue the adventure!


Cloud's Side Quests Adventures: Quest 1 - The Unicorn and Battle Against the Wind Summon!

So with the water summon acquired, I can now save the unicorn! But before I do that, I went to try my luck against the wind summon spirit. Before I began that journey, the twin tailed fox AND a sparkly pony came to me and warned me about their supreme power, but ever the daring Cloud that I am, I decided to try anyway. So I made my way to the Mausoleum, reached the summon spirit...



And got my butt handed to me. HARD.



I did pretty well myself, but my CPU partners? They went down fast. Also, it is not a Wind Spirit, but Wind SpiritS!!! There are 3 actually. How unfair. I would smear 1, maybe beat 2, but 3? Not cool game. Not cool... Not willing to give up, I try again, and get beat even harder. I hate to admit it, but that fox and pony were right. Reluctantly, I leave to save the unicorn.

So I reach the unicorn, the party cries about wanting to save it, forgetting we got the water summon to do JUST THAT. But before we do that, we have a funny dialogue, saying a pure maiden has to approach it. But not old lady maidens. Sorry Raine. And Sheena gets upset that no one suggests her, which people respond together with "Qualify...?" It is a really funny moment

So, Collette AND Sheena approach the unicorn, it recognizes Collette as the chosen, and then gives them its horn, to help heal Collette's toxicosis. Buuuut, they use that to help the sick crazy man in Hima. (I called it Huin in my last log. I made a mistake. I apologize...) And then it dies. But don't worry, a new one will be born to replace it, and the next and the following after. I guess phoenixes were no good to use?

But not to forget, Raine learns resurrection, and urges us to search the land for ways to boost her healing powers. ; ) Wink wink side quests???


Cloud's Side Quests Adventures: Quest 2 - The Fakers Found, The Figurines and the Pellets, the Dead Sword Dancer and the Fire Summon! Featuring the Traveling Monster Waifu!

So with the tip Raine gave, I set off to revisit past towns. I first reach Asgard, where I meet the fake chosen group! Finally, sweet revenge. We almost get suspected as being the fakers, but Raine comes to the rescue to prove our innocence, as well as the researcher guy coming to cover for us too. The fakers run, with one of them lagging behind. He was go to be placed in jail, but Collette spares him. How nice : )

We also run into one of the bomb guys in purple. He gives use some figurines and pellets to do something with them... I have to take them to Dirk, Lloyd's dad, to do something with them... And that wraps up that.

I do go to other towns, but there isn't anything worthy that happens.

OH, I do meet Dorrbell's waifu, who is still an ugly monster, and runs away again. How is she still around...? And she drops a key to the Tower of Mana. Um, why did she have that..? Eeer, thanks, convenient waifu monster! See you again someday!!! O:


So, with my work done, I go to see Dirk, who while talking is always stuck in a walking position. He tells me I can use the pellets to make figurines of people, so I can look at them. Um, okay..? So I make some figurines, but none of them are cute girls. Darn... And that is it! I was expecting something more exciting.


So sometime back, I fought an undead sword dancer monster who kicked my butt. Now it's time to try again.

... And he dies really easy this time. o_o Wow, awesome! I got so much stronger since last time! He also dropped me an item, which I have no idea what it does...


I also may have lost to the wind summon, but that doesn't mean I can't try the fire spirit!!! The twin tailed fox and sparkly pony said I would get smushed too, but I don't know until I try!!! So I go to it, expecting the worst, and...




...I beat it!!! There was only one, and my team beating on him senselessly ended his life soon :D He did put up a good fight tho : ) So now I have the fire spirit.


Cloud's Side Quests Adventures: Quest 3 - The Tower of Mana, the Wind Summon Rematch, and Save the ALIIEEEENS Sick Man!

So without anymore leads, I decide to go back to area holding Hima and Luin, and explore the area. Upon doing that, I find a tower in the distance. I run to it, and find... the Tower of Mana! With nothing else to do, I go in it and find this is another summon spirit temple. Awesome! How did I not find it sooner..?

So this temple has a unique function to it. For starters, you have to split your team into 2 teams of 3. You need 3 people to hold switches down to let 3 more advancer further. I chose Raine, as Collette is a requirement. Need a healer after all. So I go in, with new ghosty enemies awaiting us. There also a new element to this temple: using lights and blocks to reflect the lights to specific parts of walls. Kind of reminds me of a Zelda temple x )

Anyways, it turns out, you open a path for your other team of 3 to advance into the temple as well. There are more light based puzzles, until you reach the top, where you meet the next boss. It was a weird horse boss or something.. Anyways, I kill it. The next summon spirit reveals itself, but for some reason, I can't get it...

Anyways, Collette gets more powers, but also now CAN'T SPEAK. Well, just wonderful... I wonder if this journey is even worth it anymore...

Oh yeah! I forgot to mention. I got a book with is needed to save the sick man in Hima. But before I do that, it's time for a rematch...!

I gained a few levels since the last time, so I thought I'd try the wind spirits again. I expected to lose, but I put Raine in my team, and got some surprisingly good results! I was able to beat the 3 spirits, and get them on my side! x ) Take that twin tailed fox and sparkly pony!!! I have to say as well, Raine is actually a very vital character. Her nurse and resurrection really saved our hides in the end, and beating the spirit with the shield really helped us...


So with all that done, I go to Hima, where I heal the sick man, and he is greatful... : D


So with all that done, we can go to the Tower of Salvation, where we can finish the quest...! We get help from the dragon agency man on the mountains to fly there by dragons. But first, we rest for the day, where I talk to my party members, and then, we can take off!!! Interestingly though, you can pick who to share a dragon with. I picked Sheena because she is a girl with nice boobs because pairing her with Raine would be weird... And then, we land! Time for Collette to finish her journey.


Sudden Twist! I AM NOT YOUR FATHER, Collette the Zombie, and Kratos the God of War Traitor!


We hit land, and find Kratos and Collette went on ahead. Collette is already set to offer her final prayers, but we learn, surprise, the church is corrupt, as is Lord Remiel, who is not Collette's father. He just started calling her beloved daughter, after collette asked if Remiel was her father. Both have blonde hair, so it must be true! Imagine if Collette had purple hair or something... Also, Remiel gives away he is evil, talking evily all of a sudden. Wow dude, subtle much? he also reveals Collette will become the vassel for Goddess Martel, and the angels are a bunch of bad doods (and half elves...?) Opposing Remiel's evil plans, we decide to fight him and beat him down.

After the fight, Kratos reveals he is also an angel, and evil D: Oh nooo... Maybe next time people should do background checks before hiring mysterious mercenaries? So yeah, we have to fight Kratos too immediately after Remiel. He is hard, and my team is worn out, but thanks to Raine, we win some how.

Then after Kratos is defeated, ANOTHER angel appears, the leader, Lord Yyadrasial or something... and then WE FIGHT HIM! @_@ 3 fights? No mor... We lost almost immediately... Not to mention we do about 1 damage each?

So finally we are put down, and are about to die, when suddently, evil Desians come in and save us. Hum, that is a surprise...


Later, we wake up in the Sylvarant base, waay back in the desert, where Lloyd was captured. However, it turns out that these guys are NOT desians, but renegades who oppose the desians, and want to stop the Chosen from becoming Goddess Martel's vassel. Though, why do they dress like bad guys? And why couldn't that have told us that way before the journey? You know, like... "Hey doods, this journey is a trick made by the angels and you're being played?" instead of acting evil? Ah, video game logic...

Seeing as Collette is a zombie, it is too late to stop the the evil angel's plans... or is it? For some reason, Lloyd can still help them somehow, but don't say how or why, and act evil again, trying to capture us. Can't we talk about this..??? So we escape, and.... that's it! We stopped there.


It's the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeend!!!


So yeah, this wraps this log. Sorry this was so much to take in. I did way more than I should have... Anyways, thanks for reading, and see you next time!!!


Also, a question to my fellow let's players!

Who did you choose to ride with?!

I picked Sheena. What say you? : )



Dance my pretties!

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