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Okay, I got a few things today:

First of all, I watched the new episode of SNAFU and I liked it a lot. Sure, it was kinda a filler episode, but I want more with this tone.

Second, I watched Shirobako a few days ago. Stayed up 'til 8AM to marathon it, so that should tell you a bit about how much I liked it. I liked it a lot, and while it didn't really blow my mind, it was super interesting (its about making anime, so its really informative!), the characters were fun, it was well written etc etc etc. Jolly good show!

Third, I just finished watching Yona of the Dawn and it was good. I say "good", because I have plenty of complaints. The main one mostly has to do with the main villain. Hes a shitty villain. I don't mean that he isn't interesting or anything, he just does a really bad job at making me dislike his character. I can't even tell if the show wants me to like him or dislike him, so I really just felt nothing towards him. Because he was kinda the one pushing the whole plot, that just makes the plot feel like one big anti-climax. And guess was. That ending was such a non-ending that I am frustrated for even watching and not waiting for a second season.

My expectation is that they will introduce a villain who is actually evil and the current antagonist will team up with the protagonist like Super Mario RPG or some shit... Anyways, it was still captivating enough to watch it all in one sitting (or maybe that is because I'm broken...), but quite flawed. (Other flaws include: weird pacing due to switching perspectives, some poor animation...).