padib said: WhiteEaglePL, what is your vote for day 1? Noname and outlaw, who are you looking to vote day 1? It is ending soon. Nicklesbe, Ikepor, Smeags, where are you thinking of placing your votes, could we at least get a feel for your greatest suspects? This will be better than sudden hammers. |
Alright I'm going to try and go through my thought process so far and who I suspect. Tho I'm not confident enough to cast a vote for anyone yet. It really depends on how today goes but I am inching closer to a descision as I go over everything again. Also I find anyone that hasn't answered my list of questions so far suspicious. I know they may not amount to much but they give me insight into how you think and your perception so I find not answering strange.
I understand the points made about those being innactive. However I don't see all inactivity as the same. I understand the mods are busy doing their job or collecting statistics about the game so I don't find their inactivty as suspicious. Spurg said he's on vacation so that in itself isn't suspicious unless he is lying and really at home watching everything unfold while not logged in. Ikepor is apparently leaving so that may exlain it. Outlaws inactivity was kind of strange but since they have been more active and what they have said kind of alleviated my suspicion. So the only ones I find to be suspicious due to lack of activity is Wright who is frankly a wild card behaivor wise and hard for me to read and RCT who so far gives reason to think he is working with TheProf.
I've been wrong before and frankly now my confidence is shaky so I'm not comfortable voting for anyone without good input from everyone at this point. At this point tho my two biggest suspects are theprof and RCT.
I first started to suspect theprof when I felt he was trying to scapegoat me at the start. However I recognize that he was digging for info so that in itself seems neutral. Then I really started to be suspicious here That exchange also made me suspect Outlaw (to me accelerating the game only helps the mafia, while we should try to drag it out and give mafia as many opportunities to slip as possible. Also I can see how voting patterns might show team work. However if everyone votes the same person for the sake of ending day 1 quickly I can't see how that shows team behavior. All it does it get someone killed.Tho it might show team behavior if its those in mafia that keep insisting we end day one quickly without good explanation) as well as smeags (paragraph 2 is completely contradictory to paragraph one. No where does it explain how rushing a descision and potentially starting day 2 with 2 dead townies is more beneficial to town than only one. Also if we start day 2 the same as day one then that is more reason to take the descision as seriously as possible and not rush it.)
Anyway back to the prof. His reponce came off like a car salesmen trying to sell me a lemon. Also He never showed the math and never actually answered sparks question. Instead he defelcted by saying he no longer suspect sparks here and instantly started accusing sparks putting all focus on him as well as starting a second conversation putting suspicion on Whiteeagle Here and here So if you check page 8 onward the focus gets turned onto Whiteeagle and Cone and the question is never answered. So that is when I first suspected him a lot and I kept watching for awhile and thought I saw some serious slips that I explained in my accusations here. Tho I understand my perception and understanding on many things so far has been off. That plus some of other peoples reponses to my findings as well as some of profs later reponses helped put a lot of doubt in my descision. Even if I wasn't convinced by his direct responses to those posts I ultmatly took my vote off because I am not confident enough and I don't want to make a mistake.
I also suspect RCT his activty has been suspect, he has admitted he is bandwagoning which imo is only good if you are a mafia. This is a serious descision and shouldn't be taken lightly, bandwagoning or wanting to rush day one to me are mafia tells because it shows you don't really care about peoples lives and you want to get to night as soon as possible. I thought the whole exchane when he voted prof was suspect. Prof acted chummy with him after he voted and prof assumed the entire time that RCT would take his vote down. Acting chummy and ignoring the vote here here Then Hylean suspects him and he defends himself and tears into hylean Here and here. When Mr.Khan suspected him he jumped on Khan and defended himself like here Yet never did so with RCT. He instead acted chummy and assumed he would take his vote off. Like here in his reponces to me here and here and here
Sorry I know this is getting long so I'm trying to cut it short. RCT then took his vote off prof with no explanation why and soon voted along with Prof on outlaw, again no real reason why. Then he warned Theprof in this post Which seems like a mafia post to me. As far as I know Mafia can't talk yet so if they are on the same team then it looks like RCT is saying "Woah slow down you are going to end up outing us" to which prof replied basically saying "Yeah that's something only a townie would say so I think you are 100% townie now". Even tho it looks more like one team mate warning another not to out him. So those are my suspicions and reasons for them. However this is just from my POV and I am looking for input. I am not confident in any kind of descision at this point and I don't want to rush it like my first vote.
All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)