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Given that rainbow still appears to be dead, I shall have to post this again.

2010 Champion: Rainbow Yoshi*

2011 Champion: NintendoPie**

2012 Champion: Kresnik

2013 Champion: YOU?!


1.) List up to 10 of your favourite newcomers from the year 2013 (you don't have to list 10, you can list only 1 if you want). The top 24 most mentioned will progress through to the actual rounds, where they'll fight to the death until the winner is declared by the highest bidder! VGChartz community!

2.) Any user who joined from 1st January 2013 - 31st December 2013 is eligible to compete.

Voting is open until the 20th February!

*He was also the host, so his victory is suspect.

**Begged for votes.