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radishhead said:
My experience occurred last year- this is my own experience, and I have no reason to lie. I'm sure that there are logical explanations for what happened to me that night, but I am convinced that it was ghosts. You can't appreciate the thoughts behind those who believe in the supernatural before you've experienced an event yourself - it's crazy.

It turns out that the hotel that I was staying at was actually known for being haunted, but I didn't know about this until after I'd left the place- the rooms were very cheap (I guess I know why), and that's all that mattered to me. There's not much creepy atmosphere to this story, I'm afraid- it's just a normal hotel room in the countryside.

It was around 8pm when my wardrobe door slammed shut. I was very curious, since my window wasn't open- but I guess a breeze could have come from elsewhere.
However, at about 9/10pm, my friend came into the room (who was travelling with me) and told me that he genuinely saw a woman dressed in white walk across the corridor at the bottom of the stairs into the opposite room - he didn't think anything of it, until he noticed that she had no feet! Naturally scared, he didn't investigate any further, although I wasn't sure at the time whether he was joking with me (although he did look pretty serious).
The serious thing came at around midnight (what a great time for a ghostly occurrence) - I know the time, because I was asleep when my alarm clock started beeping. Half-asleep, I tried to work out why it was going off now, since I'd set it for 7am, when I realised that it was beeping in MORSE CODE - this is for real, I was terrified xD I learnt afterwards that there is a ghost in the place called the "Admiral" who enjoys messing around with alarm clocks.
Of course, I was half asleep, and I could have not been thinking right, but I know what happened that night, and that's enough for me. I heard that spirits can latch onto people, but I haven't had any similar experiences since :)

It sounds to me like your friend was behind it all, although the morse code thing is pretty creepy.

I once stayed in a supposedly haunted hotel aswell, but thankfully it was uneventful for me. But my mum claims she woke up in the middle of the night (she says she may have been dreaming) and a bearded, ghostly man was crawling in one of the windows but couldnt quite fit and was reaching out towards her.