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FattyDingDong said:
MrBubbles said:
FattyDingDong said:
MrBubbles said:

it doesnt matter, the USSR was still a "bad guy" during the war. even if they were supplied by the allies and we had an enemy that was the same. i will not ignore the crimes they commited. the USSR was as much a blight as the nazis, probably an even worse one because of how long they were allowed to exist for. 

You have a special hatred towards the Soviets, did you not read all the posts i previisuly posted?  You are saying that the Soviets were just as bad as the Nazis where is your proof? i need real proof.  Nazis killed 28 million Soviet people, im sure you dont care about that. 

im having trouble believing you are presenting a real opinion and that this is not just an attempt to troll people.  perhaps we could start with the holdomor genocide?  the invasions of finland and poland?  katyn massacre? the terrible mess they turned eastern europe into?  north korea? gulag? perhaps you want a list of some soviet war crimes?

if you are serious in your attempt to garner respect for the ussr, then i am quite frankly sickened. 

Katyn Massacre why dont u get over it? it has been said 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times over and over again especially during the cold war by the americans.  what's funny is that 600,000 polish POWs surrendered to the Germans over the Soviets, thinking they will be treated well, to their surprise Hitler starved them to death, 95% of them died in the camps only the remaining 5% survived. No body talks about that.  what about all the Polish doctors, University teachers, lawyers, party members who were shot by the SS in 1940? how come you dont mention that... wait i know why.. because you didnt know about that..  you see tahts my point you live in the West. you are taught to hate the soviets and you are more interested at Anti-Soviet topics than anti-Nazi.  what's funny is that Americans teach only about the Holocaust and 6m jews who suffered under Hitler. they completely ignore 8 million Belarussian civilians who were burned alive in the churches, 12 milion Ukranian civilians who were gassed for being Ukranian. and 8 million Poles who died in the concentration camps. EVERYBODY just ignores that, i think if it wasnt for "EVIL" stalin then Hitler would have won in the east and all those Jews would be murdered  along with 90% of Slavic people. 

Again, i am not denying that Stalin and Communism were bad but you cant compare Hitler to Stalin.  Do you see me insulting US for killing 100m native americans!  or for raping 300,000 Japanese women and girls in the PACIFIC?  its funny how you dont mention that.

would you really like to know why we are discussing the soviet union and not germany, the united states, hippies, or the easter bunny?   BECAUSE YOU MADE A THREAD TRYING TO GLORIFY THE SOVIET UNION.   which is just as sick as someone trying to glorify nazi germany.  you really are a disgusting individual.  i am, quite literally, physically sickened by you and will not be responding to anymore of the filth you are spewing.

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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