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Forums - General Discussion - Nordlead Jr. has finally arrived!!!

Congratulations to all 3 of you! Now you are on the beginning of a fantastic journey to learn the true secret of love and friendship!

Congratulations Nordlead, and please offer my (and the whole sites I guess) congratulations to mrs.nordlead. Leif is a really cool name too, kinda classical yet dynamic.

Now you need to set up a VGChartz profile for Nordlead.jr.

Also, I'm loving the beard.

Congratulations man. A lot of fun and work awaits you, good luck to the three of you :)

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957


cu gl hf!


Leif does indeed sound awesome

"And yet, I've realized that maybe living a "decent" life means you won't ever have a "good" life."


How do you pronounce that?





It probably says in the video but I can't watch it cause my bandwidth's run out. Anyway, enough of that. Congratulations! :3

--OkeyDokey-- said:

How do you pronounce that?





It probably says in the video but I can't watch it cause my bandwidth's run out. Anyway, enough of that. Congratulations! :3

Phonetically it is pronounced "Layf" I would think. Like how you would pronounce "Leif Ericson"

Named after Leif Garrett, surely?


Oh great, now nordlead has given the world another great wonder.

Lucky bastard.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Congratz!!! *goes to make alt account Nordlead jr to sell it back to him in a few years*


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!)