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Forums - PC Discussion - Apples response to Windows 7 - Mac vs. PC

Actually pretty funny lol

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It's funny, but the broken promises ad plays off consumer ignorance, and the entire "Mac has no issues" is largely due to its lack of popularity(meaning less people care to develop malware for it).

I have faith in the consumer. The "Mac tax" ads from MS are certainly far more effective, and these ads will probably serve to better inform the public of the Windows 7 launch, if anything.

It's always a risky move to directly address your main competitor in your advertisements. That goes for both companies.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I'm sick of this ad campaign by Apple.. Sure it was cute, 3 years ago. But now, it just reeks of smugness and douchebaggery.

How many times has Apple upgraded their OS?

And these ads, it's just free advertising for Microsoft and really aren't all that funny anymore.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

Weird ads. They're just saying "Hey look our competitor has something brand new, and we don't. But we're better! Fuck 'em!"

Apple can kick and scream, they can rant about being no' 1 in customer satisfaction... the facts are that Win7 is great and this ad method is not gonna hold for long after it was released. People aren't stupid, MS isn't either, and Win7 will eat at macs.

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If the MAC OS is anything like the i tunes program, they can stick it you know where.

I don't even find these ads funny anymore, its basically slamming a new OS that has been receiving amazing reviews


Apple has been saying the same bullshit for ever, Too bad they dont show why people should buy there Software.


Too bad windows 7 took a big ol deuce all over Mac 10 or w/e its called.

Thank god I've never seen a Mac ad in German television :)

anyone here notice that the last 2 mac ads were about "oh get a mac because they have number 1 satisfaction customer rate" they never tell you why you should get a mac instead of raving about how pc's have all sort of viruses and crashes when macs have those as well. OFcourse your not gonna hear a whole lot of that from the mac side because theres only a few mac users compared to the billions of pc users. If there were just as many mac userss as pc users they will be getting just as many problems as pc's.