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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - How many Nintendo Switches will you preorder this week?

One, um... yeah.... just one.

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I ll wait abit and see how things develope first.

Right now my plan is to wait 3 years, buy it for the games I want, play said games then sell the machine. History has shown us that the games dry up and its drought conditions for the next 2 years. Isn't worth holding onto after that.

If they were making a real home console with enough power to get all 3rd party support then I'd be there day 1.

I wanted to pre-order two, but my local store said I can only order one. So I'll just the other one sometime later. Sure, I could order another somewhere from the internet. But I don't like online shopping. And it's not that important either.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

None, I'll wait till it comes out and I know what kind of games it'll be getting.

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Not getting it unless a mainline Pokémon game is announced for the system.

I feel positively about the console but really need to see the full picture of pricing and games. It may well be that there isn't enough games at launch for me and hate paying full price. Also first editions of hardware can often be poor. Normally improvements in hardware are made shortly after launch as people complain about the issues they are encountering and the staff at the factory get better making them with experience. The second batch is often better quality.

None - as of right now I have very little interest and the only game I'm interested in is also coming to WiiU so I'll just get it on that. Maybe Friday they'll change my mind.

Don't ruin the moment

Currently Playing: Rocket League (PC/PS4), Dead Cells (PC)

LordyPlays on YouTube

Probably none, I won't be getting the thing before the games I want are there, and I don't have faith that it's early lineup will be much other than WiiU titles, we shall see.

Not planning to preorder. Let's see the games first, and even then, maybe wait for another form factor, possibly for a full home console.

If Switch is going to be Wii U 2, I think we can write it off. Ports of Wii U games nobody wanted would just cause nobody wanting a Switch either.

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