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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy XV Metascore Prediction Thread!



It's now or never! Put your money where your mouth is!


Boutros 91
BasilZero 85
Xen 86
Slade6alpha 84
AZWification 88
CGcarmineCG 93
Mar1217 88
finalrpgfantasy 89
Shadow8 82
RenCutypoison 92
vivster 86
BraLoD 90
SmokedHostage 84
rccsetzer 93
StokedUp 90
b00moscone 87
Captain_Yuri 82
jenpol 91
axumblade 85
Swordmasterman 96
Chevinator123 10000
celador 81
TheGamer95 85
VGPolyglot 76
pastro243 83
shikamaru317 87
think-man 89
ZODIARKrebirth 90
OnyxPhoenix 96
Nautilus 86
Wright 84
ClassicGamingWizzz 87
Oneeee-Chan!!! 91
WoodenPints 79
cesarmgc 94
KilleyMc 84
Conegamer 88
ktay95 84
BluePokegon 83
Ruler 95
NobleTeam360 93
Volterra_90 87
Radek 85
Uabit 86
thepurplewalrus 83
Slarvax 77
Acevil 85
derpysquirtle64 82
Ultrashroomz 89
Keybladewielder 86
Faust 85
Platina 87
Namiirei 75
weaveworld 83
Pinkie_pie 90
Shikamo 94
greencactaur 83
Heavenly_King 92
Bristow9091 82
Hiku 87
Goodnightmoon 85
PwerlvlAmy 75
_Jameson 85
Mystro-Sama 86
blackwarryor 88
m_csquare 64
gabzjmm23 87
AsGryffynn 87
Jranation 90
lonerism 80
Vinther1991 80
sub-zero-TM 91
Dr.Vita 93
chidori-chan2 82
Roronaa_chan 90
Luke888 89
fleischr 91
V-r0cK 92
rpgczar 95
PeterSilenced 83
DannyDesario 93
Cirio 88
Rob5VGC 85
Kyuu 80
hershel_layton 87
Farsala 81
teigaga 83
Neodegenerate 86
Angelv577 90
Intrinsic 90
bunchanumbers 81

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No no no! No ranges accepted! Get wet or get out! :D

Haha. Ok. 86.

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