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Forums - General Discussion - What is going on with the world?

Dadrik said:
Ganoncrotch said:

I know there have been numbers put in here to try to distract you from terrorism killings and such, but I sometimes try to use my love of statistics to help others, the population of Nice is 343,000 and 30 were killed, that is 1 person per 11,443 in that area who died last night, you would be very unlucky for it to have been any of your friends or relatives there, I'm not saying it wasn't but just that statistically the chances that someone you love got hurt are low as it stands, you should try to get some rest.

77 killed, toll rising, actually.

I would be unlucky indeed, but I know some of them were celebrating on the Promenade des Anglais, where the attack happened. That kinda increases the "chances", to be honest. I appreciate your effort though, really, it's nice of you.

I rarely look through news of this type of attack, but I see on they say that upwards of 100 people jumped into the water to avoid what was happening with the truck coming towards people and the gunfire of the cops, I'm just thinking that if you are unable to even dial some of your friends there is a chance that they might have jumped in the water and destroyed their phones but all of those people were helped out and are fine now.

Ugh I have to be awake in 5 hours, I must go to bed, I really advise you try to do the same Dadrik, if something did happen, sadly you can't do anything about it and would just do yourself harm staying awake much longer.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

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man-bear-pig said:
Don't worry guys, #PrayForNice is the number 1 trend worldwide on Twitter. We've saved France again

That'll keep the terrorists away!


Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

Slarvax said:

I'm with OP. Sure, there has always been terrorists and death and stuff, but just compare 2012 vs 2016. Do you remember this many shooting/terrorist attacks back then? How about 2013? Last year? I dont. There have always been shootings, but we're getting them almost daily. Terrorist attacks weekly...

Um, there was mass shootings literally every day last least more amount of mass shootings than the days of the year. If you were actually observant, the amount of gun homicides overall has went down since the 90s... (referring to the US)

Ganoncrotch said:
Dadrik said:

77 killed, toll rising, actually.

I would be unlucky indeed, but I know some of them were celebrating on the Promenade des Anglais, where the attack happened. That kinda increases the "chances", to be honest. I appreciate your effort though, really, it's nice of you.

I rarely look through news of this type of attack, but I see on they say that upwards of 100 people jumped into the water to avoid what was happening with the truck coming towards people and the gunfire of the cops, I'm just thinking that if you are unable to even dial some of your friends there is a chance that they might have jumped in the water and destroyed their phones but all of those people were helped out and are fine now.

Ugh I have to be awake in 5 hours, I must go to bed, I really advise you try to do the same Dadrik, if something did happen, sadly you can't do anything about it and would just do yourself harm staying awake much longer.

Okay, they all answered, all safe and sound, some got lucky, but in the end they're good, that's all that matter to me.
Now I'll just hope the badly wounded will make it.

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you are necessarily right.

Dadrik said:
Ganoncrotch said:

I rarely look through news of this type of attack, but I see on they say that upwards of 100 people jumped into the water to avoid what was happening with the truck coming towards people and the gunfire of the cops, I'm just thinking that if you are unable to even dial some of your friends there is a chance that they might have jumped in the water and destroyed their phones but all of those people were helped out and are fine now.

Ugh I have to be awake in 5 hours, I must go to bed, I really advise you try to do the same Dadrik, if something did happen, sadly you can't do anything about it and would just do yourself harm staying awake much longer.

Okay, they all answered, all safe and sound, some got lucky, but in the end they're good, that's all that matter to me.
Now I'll just hope the badly wounded will make it.

Stop hoping for now and go to sleep! And I'm glad to hear you got confirmation that they're all okay, really though, it's after 3am.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

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This world is only going to get worse, it's something that my specific religion prophesies will happen. There's no stopping it. I believe somebody on the site has a signature that says something along the lines that the world will not be at peace until the power of love overtakes the love of power. And I don't see that happening with all the evil and malice in many of corrupt people's hearts.

This is a broken world, obsessed with money, power and sex. We're not obsessed with helping others. At least not as much as destroying others. Isis is a huge player in the new world of terrorism. Well, I guess it's not new, we're just getting a birds eye view with modern tech, but alot of this mess was a domino effect from Operation Desert Storm...ugh.

RJ_Sizzle said:
Aura7541 said:

You're taking "war" rather too literally. I think his main point was that relations between white and black people have gotten worse.

Worse than Slavery and Jim Crow Laws? Look, race relations have always been bad in the US and racial conflicts keep flaring up. But I would be cautious in calling it war. We're not there yet, and shouldn't have to be. It's why the majority of people would ratther protest when an injustice happens over automatically going for a call-to-arms.

Did I say relations are worse than slavery and Jim Crow?

Kotastic said:
Slarvax said:

I'm with OP. Sure, there has always been terrorists and death and stuff, but just compare 2012 vs 2016. Do you remember this many shooting/terrorist attacks back then? How about 2013? Last year? I dont. There have always been shootings, but we're getting them almost daily. Terrorist attacks weekly...

Um, there was mass shootings literally every day last least more amount of mass shootings than the days of the year. If you were actually observant, the amount of gun homicides overall has went down since the 90s... (referring to the US)

Yeah, and the biggest shooting in US history was this year. And the biggest shooting towards cops. And what, 5 terrorist attacks through Europe? There was also Brexit this year...

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

Slarvax said:
Kotastic said:

Um, there was mass shootings literally every day last least more amount of mass shootings than the days of the year. If you were actually observant, the amount of gun homicides overall has went down since the 90s... (referring to the US)

Yeah, and the biggest shooting in US history was this year. And the biggest shooting towards cops. And what, 5 terrorist attacks through Europe? There was also Brexit this year...

True, but you're acting like these sort of thing never happened in the past. Worse things have happened, don't forget that we massacred hundreds of "Indians" purely for our gain. Or when we killed hundreds of Mormons for expressing their belief. Basic US history knowledge.

This is actually probably one of the most peaceful periods of human civilization. It's hard for younger people to understand that though and terrorism is designed by nature to be low-budget attacks that create ... well terror.

But generally speaking, you are living in one of the most peaceful periods of human history.

Would you like to have been born 100 years ago? Hello to World War I in your generation, hundreds of millions killed, Europe in chaos, tons of wars elsewhere.

80 years ago? You would have no youth likely because World War II would ruin it and almost destroy the world.

Surely post-World War II was peaceful though right? Not really. Growing up in the 40s-80s meant always being on the edge of an imminent nuclear attack/war with Soviet Russia. Kids growing up in this time had to run drills to get under their desk in case of a nuclear attack (not that it would've helped much, they would've been blown to nuclear ash in minutes).

The 1960s Cuban Missle Crisis brought the entire US Eastern seaboard to the brink of a nuclear attack, the first lady of the United States was willing to stay at the White House with her kids and die on the front lawn if need be to be close to her husband JFK. *Think* about how insane that is!

The 1990s ... ok so for 10 years there probably was a more peaceful, prosperous time, unless you were Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian or in Rwandan.

That said what's happened in Europe is still very sad, but historically speaking it helps to have some perspective. The "enemey" of ISIS has an organized army smaller than that of Ethopia with no air force, shoddy training, Toyota trucks for transport, a few tanks, and that's about it. They could be wiped off the face of the earth in a weekend or two if the US or Russia decided to go fully at them, but they are losing territory in the US and fast anyway.

The bigger problem is the online spread of their hateful message.