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This is actually probably one of the most peaceful periods of human civilization. It's hard for younger people to understand that though and terrorism is designed by nature to be low-budget attacks that create ... well terror.

But generally speaking, you are living in one of the most peaceful periods of human history.

Would you like to have been born 100 years ago? Hello to World War I in your generation, hundreds of millions killed, Europe in chaos, tons of wars elsewhere.

80 years ago? You would have no youth likely because World War II would ruin it and almost destroy the world.

Surely post-World War II was peaceful though right? Not really. Growing up in the 40s-80s meant always being on the edge of an imminent nuclear attack/war with Soviet Russia. Kids growing up in this time had to run drills to get under their desk in case of a nuclear attack (not that it would've helped much, they would've been blown to nuclear ash in minutes).

The 1960s Cuban Missle Crisis brought the entire US Eastern seaboard to the brink of a nuclear attack, the first lady of the United States was willing to stay at the White House with her kids and die on the front lawn if need be to be close to her husband JFK. *Think* about how insane that is!

The 1990s ... ok so for 10 years there probably was a more peaceful, prosperous time, unless you were Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian or in Rwandan.

That said what's happened in Europe is still very sad, but historically speaking it helps to have some perspective. The "enemey" of ISIS has an organized army smaller than that of Ethopia with no air force, shoddy training, Toyota trucks for transport, a few tanks, and that's about it. They could be wiped off the face of the earth in a weekend or two if the US or Russia decided to go fully at them, but they are losing territory in the US and fast anyway.

The bigger problem is the online spread of their hateful message.