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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Has there ever been a worse time to be a Nintendo fan?



Yes (Specify) 155 29.25%
No, it's never been this bad 375 70.75%
Arlo said:
zorg1000 said:

when have they done bad financially in the past? this generation had their first annual loss ever.

They've never been in danger of going bankrupt or anything, but some systems made much much less money than others.  The N64 and the Gamecube both underperformed, many considering the latter to be a commercial failure.

they were posting annual profits averaging about $1 billion in the N64/GC era, financially they were doing far from bad.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

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zorg1000 said:
Arlo said:

They've never been in danger of going bankrupt or anything, but some systems made much much less money than others.  The N64 and the Gamecube both underperformed, many considering the latter to be a commercial failure.

they were posting annual profits averaging about $1 billion in the N64/GC era, financially they were doing far from bad.

I gues some people only believe what fits their agenda.

There is never a good time for a Nintendo fan. Just when you think Nintendo is doing everything right and nothing can stop them, the Wii U or the GC happens.

Honestly we get a lot of hate from other fandoms but they should change that hate for praise, the amount of suffering we endure is crazy.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

It is kinda sad we're reduced to scavenging over 1 game total at E3, 1 game that won't even be released this year (lol) like beggars.

Meanwhile Sony/MS fans are likely to get all types of cool announcements and more games to play at E3 than they have time for, haha.

Nintendo you make terrific games ... but you have become absolute shit at making satisfying hardware platforms because of disastrous design decisions; beginning with the completely bone-headed decision to only use cartridges for the N64 and thus basically handing Sony the keys to the gaming market leader position without a fight.

Even the Wii which was a large success for a few years ... was it really absolultely neccessary to gimp the hardware to the point where it was just an overclocked GameCube (a system that was $99 by 2003)? You couldn't add a little hardware sizzle under the hood for 2.5x the cost, thus allowing maybe better third party games?

There was that time when you got Super Mario RPG and then...

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)

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curl-6 said:

Serious question.

Since Nintendo joined the console space, has there ever been a time when things were as bad as they are now?

They have been in the same situation with the virtual boy. This is when they released the N64 right after 

Never forget the shit show that was E3 2008 ...


Kai_Mao said:
Cloudman said:

I hear Mario Kart DS was pretty good, but that was more so because of online than the game itself. Dual Strike was another one I heard was great, but never got into the series myself. I know my friends loved it and used to pass the DS around when they played it. And Nintendogs.... yeah, I wonder how that ended up as such a big seller...

Nintendogs was well received from what I remembered. Plus the commercials for it were pretty impressive, showing what you could do with touch controls, which is part of the DS's attraction. Interaction, in a way, has never been better during that time because people were actually interacting to the characters and the environment beyond buttons and controls. That's my assumption since I've only seen gameplay. It's not a bad game per se, but I think it sticks out to more casual audiences, which are the majority of most consoles' sales of you think about it.

Dang, they had CMs for it as well? Darn, I missed those... I did hear Europe did something like putting ads on dogs or something. I guess people really dug the idea of owning and playing with a dog, plus it's pretty cute when the dog tries to jump on the screen, haha/



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To my mind - this is Nintendo purgatory, not Nintendo hell.

E3 is going to be rough. But let's admit it - the last several years E3's been nothing but a huge Sony/Xbox fest anyway. But who knows perhaps third parties will confirm NX releases at E3 even if they can't show gameplay?

Either way, Nintendo fans will start changing their tune once actual NX info starts dropping.

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

Ka-pi96 said:
Cloudman said:

Not hate, but curious. How could those be worst times??? Those were great times for me personally, expecially the SNES times

Because 2D, ewwwww.

IMO 3D platformers completely blow away 2D platforms and the NES/SNES era were the only times Nintendo never released a 3D platformer. Plus Smash didn't even exist until the N64 era. And Mario Kart, just look at the difference between Super Mario Kart and MK 64.

Then there's Zelda. While I'm personally not much of a fan of Zelda anyway I'd much rather play something like OOT than something like the original Zelda. Considering the amount of people who would call OOT and subsequent Zeldas some of the best games ever I doubt I'm alone in that.

I don't know what else there was back then, but just looking at how many great games Nintendo have released since I don't think it's much of a contest really.

Haha, fair enough. Going from 2D to 3D was pretty mind blowing as a kid and I really loved them, especially Mario 64.

Though that doesn't make 2D games inferior. There's still a place for them and they're still plenty loved. That's why still have games like the New Mario Bros games, DKC Returns, Rayman, Kirby, and so on. People loved them then and still love them now, including me. Not only that, there were just a lot of great games during that era. Super Mario World, Kirby Super Star, MegaMan X, Chrono Trigger, Mario RPG, DKC, Final Fantasy 6, Earthbound, and so on. I'm not even counting Genesis games, like Mario, Streets of Rage, and Golden Axe.

So yeah, I don't think those days were bad at all. Probably some of the fonder moments, especially the old guys who grew up in those days xD

Oh yeah, A Link Between Worlds was done in the SNES Zelda style, and that game was amazing as well. Nothing wrong with that style either. : P



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