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Forums - General Discussion - I just realized Ted Cruz was born in Calgary...


This poll...

Well I feel crap now... 2 33.33%
What is "calgary"? 3 50.00%
HAHAHA! Stupid red neck c... 1 16.67%

So recently Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus, and whatever I didn't make a big deal about since I was Canadian. So I just searched his name up for whatever reason, and I saw that he was born in Calgary. Now at first I thought it was an error, considering he's running for president and I thought you had to be born American, but goddamn he was Canadian! Now I personally felt like shit knowing this. I've tried defending our city for years just about everywhere, and now that goes out the window. Now if your not Canadian, you probably wouldn't know that Calgary had a pretty bad reputation. Its thought of as a "red neck" city, full of religious fanatic's, and a place where desperate people want to start anew.

But Ted Cruz from what I know is another one of those crazy fanatic's, and he's also pretty stupid, and also had a family here just because his father worked for an oil company. I did a bit more research into this, and I was a bit relieved to hear that he revoked his Canadian citizenship, but still...

Made a bet with LipeJJ and HylianYoshi that the XB1 will reach 30 million before Wii U reaches 15 million. Loser has to get avatar picked by winner for 6 months (or if I lose, either 6 months avatar control for both Lipe and Hylian, or my patrick avatar comes back forever).

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Are we even sure he was born and not just shat out?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

What's wrong with the Republicans these days. They used to be the right party not the extreme racist party. I still think Jeb would have been a way better candidate.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Why isn't Trump blowing a gasket over this? Or has he and I've just not been paying attention (because I haven't)? I mean, don't hardline Republicans consider Canadians to be even lower than Muslims?

It is an objective fact that he is smarter than you. So are you calling yourself stupid? You shouldn't be so hard on yourself

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The issue was more if one of his parents was American at his birth. His father was Cuban, then Canadian; his mother was American, then Canadian. If she was American at his birth he is eligible, if she was Canadian, he is not.

Qwark said:
What's wrong with the Republicans these days. They used to be the right party not the extreme racist party. I still think Jeb would have been a way better candidate.

Trump shouldn't be treated as a representation of the Republican party. 

The good news is that there aren't enough religious nut jobs outside Iowa for him to win any other primary.

I thought he was born in hell?

Remember when some republicans made a big deal about the false claim that Obama wasn't born in the US?