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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What do you want from the next Nintendo Handheld?


What year will Nintendo release their 9th Generation Handheld?

2014 10 3.15%
2015 37 11.67%
2016 113 35.65%
2017 91 28.71%
2018 43 13.56%
2019 9 2.84%
2020 3 0.95%
Beyond 2020 3 0.95%
Never... 8 2.52%

To be priced at 200$/€.
To work as a controller for the next home console (then i could buy a SKU with just the console for another 200!).
To have big screens right from the start.
Internal memory of 32/64GB so when i buy a game for the home console, i can download the handheld equivalent to the console.

Around the Network

I didn't want to buy a DS. I did. I didn't want to buy a 3DS. I did. I think I don't care what they are doing next. I won't like it but finally I will buy it.

I don't hate Microsoft, I don't hate PC,
I don't prefer Sony, I don't prefer Nintendo.
...Ok, I love Nintendo but this is something about tolerance, ok?

I'm a gamer with one of the greatest hobbies and I want to share this greatness with everyone.

Slade6alpha said:
How about launch games guys?
Or, the one launch game you'd like?

Launch it with Mario Kart and Pokémon


Everything the 3DS has and:

-Much better resolution. 720p if possible.
-Full compatibility with all types of SD cards.
-More power overall.
-Ability to use as a controller for the home console.
-Two analog sticks.
-Not out until 2017 the earliest.
-Better sound.

NNID: garretslarrity

Steam: garretslarrity

I want it to do something original, that will make the games feel new. I can't yet tell what that would be.

Around the Network

Games! Many damn games! The games have to be good though, because the "thing" below can be considered a game, too!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Dual analogs is a must, and I'd really like for them to add the ability to call people... Now hold on before you get mad at me, but what i mean it's first and foremost a gaming console, but it just happens to have the ability to call people, that's what I would do.

PSn - greencactaur
Nintendo Switch FC - SW - 5152 - 6393 - 5140 Please feel free to add me :)

Slade6alpha said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Something that feels premium... If theres one thing the Vita got right was just how premium the handheld felt, specially with that OLED screen (which is sadly removed on the new one). Also an account system that isn't locked to the console as well as dual analog sticks.

As for launch games, I want a killer new IP. Like a good one! And yea, the rest you already mentioned

Lol... "Like a good one." Who wants a bad new IP, a crazy masochist? xD
I just hope they don't cheap out, 3DS feels so cheap compared to the vita in all honesty. 

Also forgot dual analog sticks!

Why on earth would you not want dual analog sticks?

Mystro-Sama said:

Why on earth would you not want dual analog sticks?

I never said that, I forgot to include that in my listis all.

Dual analogs are a must for the "4DS".">"><img src="

fatslob-:O said:

To be not overpriced like the 3DS was initially ...


And WOW! i didn't know the gba was only out for 3 years before the DS took its place. for a system with so many classic games, I'm surprised by that. Mean while DS to 3ds was a 7 year gap!!!!!!!