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Forums - General Discussion - Do Black People intimidate you?


Well? Dizzle?

Yes 80 31.87%
NO 148 58.96%
Other ( post below) 22 8.76%

In elementary and middle school I was much more scared of the black bullies.
Now, for me I think it's about first impressions. If I get a good impression of a guy, if he seems nice and all, I'm less likely to be intimidated. I have some really friendly black friends, but I also know some that give me the creeps when I see them. It depends on the undividual. I know it's stereotyping, but the clothes they wear can give me an idea of whether to be cautious or not.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

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No, the black people I know aren't very intimidating. :p

I'm black. Other black people generally make me uncomfortable. I've grown up around black people all of my life.

4 ≈ One

DaRev said:


Good answer


Playstation = The Beast from the East

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Yes I am intimidated by black people - American blacks.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

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Nah we lost the crown let a Muslim walk by and see what happens.

I live in a shit city so yes they do if they're in big groups and look "ghetto" Sorry guys, but it's the truth that where I live mostly the black population do crime.


blkfish92 said:
I live in a shit city so yes they do if they're in big groups and look "ghetto" Sorry guys, but it's the truth that where I live mostly the black population do crime.

There's nothing to apologize for. If you look at some of the posts here even black people claim to be intimidated by other black folks.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

ListerOfSmeg said:
Chris Hu said:

With a 34.6% obesity rate (tied for first) I don't think there would be many people in Stockton that would intimidate me and if they would I'm sure I could outrun a large majority of them. 

A. You dont know what it is like where he lives. Obese people can use a gun too.To suggest being overwieght means not a threat is beyond ludicrous

B. You couldnt watch your property 24/7 either so dont act like you wouldnt conform to protect what is yours.

C. It's not your place to judge the world other people live in. Its easy to sit hundreds of miles away and act like a bad ass but I bet you'd be selling and moving if you were in his place.

Dude I wasn't being serious also if anyone acts like a bad ass its you with your assumption that Trayvon Martin was this mayor thug when all the evdience proofs otherwise.  Also if he really was this mayor thug Zimmerman would have been dead instead of him because mayor thugs usally carry weapons and know how to use them.

I can't seem to escape racial talks wherever I go. I can't wait until this crap bored over because it's so friggin' sad.