I think releasing to MArio RPG's in a year was a mistake. It would've been fine if it weren't for Paper Mario.
I think releasing to MArio RPG's in a year was a mistake. It would've been fine if it weren't for Paper Mario.
They should have released this during the holidays or earlier next year and its such a shame that PiT got a bigger opening, well it was around that special time too.
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3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David
Excellent. Looks like my prediction, despite being the lowest, was only 5k away.
But no, this does not necessarily indicate that the Mario brand is dying. The game that you are comparing it with released in December, after all. Pre-ordering it surely counted as a Christmas gift to many. Those extra holiday sales will arrive later this year for Dream Team as well.
Nintendo better hope not. They need Super Mario 3D World to carry the Wii U.
I know everyone is underestimating it, but the way the new Sonic is looking, and if reviews are positive, that will move systems aswell. Mario & Sonic will be moving Wii U's this fall.
Not in japan though.
I think dream team sold less because paper mario was out six months ago and pikemin 3 was out just one week earlier.
I can't fully say that for sure, I wish there were a way to count the digital sells.
“Don’t follow the hype, follow the games”
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Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen. By: Suke |
Mario&Luigi has never been that big to begin with. Partners in Time sold less than 2 million and Bowser's inside Story less than 4 million. It may have to do something with the smaller 3DS audience and Mario&Luigi being for the more hardcore gamer. It proves MORE that not any game with the name Mario in the title sells like Sony fans claim it sells.
I wouldn't say fatigue just yet...I'm intrigued to see what the legs are like really.
It isn't a promising start, though.
Perhaps releasing it in the middle of Summer wasn't the best idea.
3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1236620800/shantae-half-genie-hero
I didn't know it was out, yet. It's a definite must buy. It will have great legs, too. Wait until it hits the U.S.
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