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Forums - Website Topics - Quote trees are the devil and need to be gone!

As you guys may or may not know, there’s a new rule on the VGChartz forums about quote trees. This was put in place in order to facilitate easy reading of threads and to avoid horrors like this:


Simon says:
ThatsWhatShe said:
Simon says:
ThatsWhatShe said:
Simon says:
ThatsWhatShe said:
Simon says:
ThatsWhatShe said:
PS4 rules

Not more than XBOne

Oh Please!

Is that the best you got.

That's all I need for the likes of you

So you admit defeat?

I never said that!

It was implied.

 Stop making stuff up!


The maximum size of quote trees has been set to 3 previous posts and then your own comment. Below is an example of a post that reaches the maximum number of quotes:

TruckOSaurus said:
Kantor said:
TruckOSaurus said:
I'm right




You're not my friend anymore!



Now, in order to make it easy for everyone to comply with this new rule, here’s a simple How To on deleting quote trees:


1 - Click the quote button

2 - Place the cursor inside the message box you wanna delete

3 - At the bottom of the quote box you’ll see the path info, like this:

4 - Click on the last “table“ tag on the right and press Delete

5 - Celebrate

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

Hmmm... I always just highlight from the last thing before the box to the first thing after it, and then hit delete. Works well in Opera, at least. Does do some funky things at times if you don't select everything you need to select, though.

kowenicki said:

Also... This method doesnt seem to work on an ipad.


edit.  Yes it does... Silly me.  Still a ball ache though. 

It's the best method available without altering the forum's code.

Signature goes here!

The mods are working on it. Slowly but surely.

Its one of the most off putting things about this forum.


kowenicki said:

Also... This method doesnt seem to work on an ipad.


I would swear you would be using a Surface.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

Around the Network

VGChartz should implement the same system that TeamLiquid implements, with all quotes after the most recent one being hidden and viewable by klicking *show quote*.


Ah, so it's a rule to be encouraged by showing the code, not a hard limit, eh?

Oh well, I try to be good about trimming unsightly quotes, and this does make that easier, so I shouldn't grumble too much.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

kowenicki said:
AbbathTheGrim said:
kowenicki said:

Also... This method doesnt seem to work on an ipad.


I would swear you would be using a Surface.

Thats becasue you are overlaying something from your mind onto me...

but... You're off topic.

No, just being honest, that is what I thought. But no worries, you are free to use whatever piece of electronic you think is better for you. :)

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because:

RolStoppable said:

The priority should be the elimination of Sony fans. That would solve the problem with the quote trees at the same time.

Dont be silly! You need at least one Sony fan to carry you on Luigi's Mansion 2.


I find that the easiest way to delete an inner quote square is to click to the right of it and press backspace twice.

Anyway, nice to see that this is a rule now.