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Forums - General Discussion - PETA's Secret Slaughter of Kittens, Puppies

Wait, so people donate money to PETA to save animals but instead they slaughter them? What the fuck...

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The guy that wrote the article is a real saint (strong advocate for animal rights and no kill animal shelters). Peta on the other hand are a bunch of hypocrites.

I've been saying this for a while yet even though it's been exposed, many people still continue to fund this sick group of extremists and numerous thick celebs jump on their ad campaigns.

The entire organization and it's members needs to be euthanized, like, now.


what can you do? You can't save every animal in the world. Most shelter's do the same thing.

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oldschoolfool said:
what can you do? You can't save every animal in the world. Most shelter's do the same thing.

But most shelters aren't such hypocrites about it.

Miguel_Zorro said:

There's a lot of information here.  I'm going to be researching this and confirming facts.

I know it's hard to believe things on the Internet, especially written with phrases like "PETA death van" (lol, love it!) but it's pretty much all true. I dislike the use of strong imagery to get the point across since it's PETAs own tactics, but the pictures are legit as well. It's all done with aim to paint the nastiest picture possible, of course, but it isn't skewed.

Holy fucking shit. This sect must be stopped. If it was up to them we would kill all animals on Earth (in a "humane" way, of course) and problem solved. Fucking wackos.


From one of the linked articles:


Newkirk also told the New Yorker the world would be a better place without people. She explained why she had herself sterilized: "I am opposed to having children. Having a purebred human baby is like having a purebred dog; it's nothing but vanity, human vanity."


I don't know what to say. You'd rather have a baby with a donkey instead of a "purebred human"?


Seriously, these people belong in a mental institution.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

It's all you people's fault for criticizing PETA doing nude protests. Now, they're bored so they slaughter.

oldschoolfool said:
what can you do? You can't save every animal in the world. Most shelter's do the same thing.

PETA belives that no life is better than a life in captivity, IE death is better for the animal than being a pet.