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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2012 - Stage 2 - Round 10

Welcome to the VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2012, please read the rules.

The Rules.

1. Vote the following 4 users in order from your favourite (4p) down to (1p), feel free to copy paste this template and use it. If you're still unsure ask me for clarification. If your vote is unidentifiable then it won't be counted. The 2 users at the end of every round with the most points will progress.

4p - Spiderman
3p - Superman
2p - Catwoman
1p - Green Lantern.

2. ONE vote per round.
3. Must have over 200 posts.
4. Users in the Tournament CAN vote in EVERY round. Even their own.
5. NO flaming or insults will be tolerated. Not even sly digs.

Previous Rounds:
Stage 1: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22]
Wildcard:[1] [2]
Stage 2: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

Mr Khan
BenVTrigger Kowenicki TruckOSaurus

Last Round Results:
Jay520 - 75pts
Kantor - 66pts
zarx - 50pts
HappySqurriel - 49pts

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

4p. Trucks
3p. Ben
2p. Mr Khan (Very sorry for this.)
1p. Kowenicki (I'm sorry about this, too.)

Tough round. :/
Congrats to Jay and Kantor!


4p - Trucks
3p - Khan
2p - Ben
1p - Kowen

Brutal round.

Holy Guacamole... this round is brutal. -_-

4p: TruckoSaurus (A VGChartz veteran, and ya know what? I say he's a legend too. gamrConnect is a lesser forum without his presence.)
3p: Mr Khan (An easy 4p in any other round. A long time VGChartz friend and fellow mod. Another (imo) legendary member that makes gamrConnect such a great place.)
2p: Kowenicki (Another legendary member who really brings a lot to this site. I really enjoy his contributions and (sobering ) perspectives.)
1p: BenVTrigger (What a bummer to put you at only 1p. I love your love for all things gaming. It's really refreshing to see someone who is exciting for great games, no matter what console it's coming to. Keep up the good gaming!)

All four are amazing guys that bring a lot to gamrConnect. I tip my hat to all of you.

4p. Mr Khan
3p. TruckOSaurus
2p. BenVTrigger
1p. Kowenicki

Around the Network

4p - Mr Khan
3p - TruckOSaurus
2p - BenVTrigger
1p - Kowenicki

This has to be the toughest round yet. (Along with 15 others.)

All of them deserve to go to the next round. Easily.

EDIT: I take back my votes.  i feel like a jerk when i chose someone over someboyd else.  Yo all are great users and this site wouldnt be the same without any of you


4- Kowenicki is amazing! Always knowledgeable about sales.
3- Trucks! Mafia genious, avatar aficionado ( spelling), and hosts these in Seeces place ( RIP)
2- Mr. Khan! Sorry, but it was a seriously tough round or you would have gotten another point.
1- Ben V gives us tons of information, and has great threads (we don't speak much anymore)

4p - TruckOSaurus (One of the best guys and posters on the site)
3p - Mr. Khan (Khan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2p - Kowenicki (What a tough round...)
1p - BenVTrigger (...if I only give this guy 1 point)

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

4p - TruckoSaurus
3p - Mr Khan
2p - BenvTrigger
1p - Kowenicki

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David