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Holy Guacamole... this round is brutal. -_-

4p: TruckoSaurus (A VGChartz veteran, and ya know what? I say he's a legend too. gamrConnect is a lesser forum without his presence.)
3p: Mr Khan (An easy 4p in any other round. A long time VGChartz friend and fellow mod. Another (imo) legendary member that makes gamrConnect such a great place.)
2p: Kowenicki (Another legendary member who really brings a lot to this site. I really enjoy his contributions and (sobering ) perspectives.)
1p: BenVTrigger (What a bummer to put you at only 1p. I love your love for all things gaming. It's really refreshing to see someone who is exciting for great games, no matter what console it's coming to. Keep up the good gaming!)

All four are amazing guys that bring a lot to gamrConnect. I tip my hat to all of you.