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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Your Top 50 Games: 2012 Discussion Thread: FINISH YOUR LISTS

Okback from Disneyland and playing a couple hours with my Wii U and now I can catch up on this list. Also because I am lazy and all these games are form last years list, they will be last year's descriptions.

45. Grand Theft Auto III (PS2): There is so many things I like about this game that I probably should just say one thing on why its awesome. Flame Thrower time trials.

44. Golden Sun (GBA): I think I remember seeing a weird commercial on this game and I was like "WTF??" I then saw my friend playing the game and saw how much fun he was having so I bought it at gamestop new but the asshole gave me a used copy while still charging it as used (damn asshole at the register.) I think this game pushed at just how awesome sprites could look on the GBA and if anything it showed that a portable rpg is a great idea. Play this game if you have any interest in rpg's. You owe it to yourself

43. World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck (genesis): Nostalgia definetly puts this game on my list. It was one of the first co-op games that I ever played and with mickey mouse and donald duck fighting monsters with magic is just fricken awesome. I just loved playing this game all the way through with my cousin and having a blast getting to next boss. I hope they put this game on the virtual console soon.

42. The Simpsons Hit & Run (gamecube): This game is also one of pure fan service. I was little bummed about Road Rage, but man did this game totally redeem itself and is probably the best simpsons game since the arcade game. The entire voice cast gives their talents to the game and it makes the game so much more hilarious. the extra costumes, the landmarks, the amount of customs cars, this game had it all and I'm so glad this game exsists.

41. WarioWare: Twisted! (GBA): I wish that more games on the GBA used the gyroscope because man this game showed how awesome those controls are. I love the wario ware series but man, Nintendo totally knew how to make a sequel to the first game and man that game was also awesome (see #50.) I thought that the novelty of the gyroscope would wear off fast, but they always gave you new and funny mini-games to play. Time and time I kept going back just to play those mini games like mewtroid and the homerun derby. Another great game that was one of the swan songs for the GBA.

40. Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (gamecube): This game got it perfect. First mission is blowing up the death star? Hell Yea, and it just gets better. Going to Vespin and blowing it up. Stealing the transport ship from the empire. Being Darth vader and stoping the rebels. Man this game has it all. Play it if you are a star wars fan. You wont be dissapointed.

39. Ms.Pac-Man (arcade): Playing pacman now really makes me ask myself why this game is fun. I then realize that it's because that eating the 4 ghosts in a row is just so satisfying. going through board through board makes it just more satisfying and enjoyable that you want to piss those ghosts off and eat all those damn pills. Now, it seems like a primative game, but I still need to put it here just for what it put forward for arcade games.

38. BioShock (PS3): Buying this game for $20 with my PS3 was something I was glad to do. I never played the system shock games but I heard rave reviews about his game on the PC. I thought this game was awesome from the moment it started and it just kept on getting better and better. The story, setting, guns, and plasmids made this game so much more than what I expected it to be. I also remember wishing it had multiplayer after I finished it, but after seeing the MP in B2, I'm now glad they didn't. I think this game pushed the boudries and I can't wait for Infinate.

37. Sonic Colors (wii): I never thought that I would ever play a good Sonic game since everything sonic related that came out after SA2B was not that great. Then as the Sonic revival was happening after unleashed, they announced what I thought was a stupid game title "Sonic Colors." It came out and I held out for the longest time on getting it, but after hearing good things about it and then seeing it for $18 on amazon, I got my hands on the game and man was I blown away. This game shows how awsome a 3D Sonic game can be and made me a rebeliever of the blue hedgehog again. Now I need to buy generations. :)

hint for #36: When X-play reviewed this DS game back in 2005 I thought that it was one of their funniest reviews ever and amazed at high their show budget was. Now... I realize that it was all smoke and mirrors and that they were running on a shoe string all along, and that my taste in comedy has changed.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

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#50 - Spyro the Dragon (PS1)

#49 - Crackdown

The only Microsoft game I can be bothered to like, Crackdown owed much of its sales and popularity for featuring a Halo 3 beta invitation. But those who actually dug into the game found a fun, arcade-y sandbox game with addicting RPG elements. The entire game was basically about screwing around to get more precious orbs to level up your already ridiculously powerful abilities, and was built on the structure of occasionally killing important criminals for the sake of fun and challenge. Crackdown took me by surprise and left me wanting a huge, polished, triple-A sequel. Instead, the sequel was a textbook example of how not to make a sequel. Good job ruining the only franchise of yours I cared about, Microsoft.


My #48 is a quirky handheld title that had solid, fun motion control before it became cool.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

F0X said:

My #48 is a quirky handheld title that had solid, fun motion control before it became cool.

Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble?


#36: Super Mario Galaxy!

Honestly, who here doesn't know about this game at this point? I had a ton of fun with it, just by exploring the world, as well as testing out all the new bosses Nintendo had in store for me. The music was another high point is well, which I thought was even better in the sequel (which, unfortunately, I have yet to finish, and thus will not be putting on this list). Admittedly, I have yet to play a Mario game that I've actually disliked, but this one is still higher up than quite a few for me, and probably always will be.

#35: Jesus loves me this I know...


Mr Khan said:
miz1q2w3e said:
Hint for #36: jangurubīto

Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat

Yes! :p

Donkīkongu jangurubīto!!

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36. Super Street Fighter II (SNES)

I've played quite a few of the different versions/extensions/whatever of Street Fighter II over the years (I had SSFIIT on PC a few years later, and I have the HD remix from PSN), but this was the first of the bunch that I owned and played extensively, and so it's the one that I choose to include here. It was that popular, that I'm sure most of you have played one version at some point in your life.

Number 35 came bundled with a peripheral.


milkyjoe said:

36. Super Street Fighter II (SNES)

I've played quite a few of the different versions/extensions/whatever of Street Fighter II over the years (I had SSFIIT on PC a few years later, and I have the HD remix from PSN), but this was the first of the bunch that I owned and played extensively, and so it's the one that I choose to include here. It was that popular, that I'm sure most of you have played one version at some point in your life.

Number 35 came bundled with a peripheral.

Another excellent choice. For #35, is it Mario Kart Wii?

That clue was obviously far too easy...


36. Super Mario Galaxy 2, Wii (2010) Nintendo (last year 35)
A testament to the glories of 3D platforming, here was a game that tests all your platforming skill. It refined the form of the original Galaxy game and focused almost exclusively on tests of skill, with the bonus stars bringing the only exploration element into the game as a bonus. The only reason its much lower down is it simply lacked the originality of the original, so made a less strong impression.

Number 35 has a very ritzy name, and was the first of its series to introduce online play.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

36th -

Yes my 36th is Sonic Heroes (PS2) and it is the only Sonic game on my list. It was a really decent game and I liked the 3 teams system.

I usually do not hear much about this game, but when someone mentions it, I become a happy for a second. What more is there to say besides, the plattforming was great, which is the core of the game.

I actually owned to copies of the game, one for the PS2 and one for the GCN. I only played through the PS2 version, from start to finish. 

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David