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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Exclusives that became vaporware

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Resident Evil PSP.

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Heavenly sword 2, apparently that was in the pipe line at one point, im quite gutted that will never get made

mr_gappy said:
Heavenly sword 2, apparently that was in the pipe line at one point, im quite gutted that will never get made

games that were never announced aren't really vaporware though

Question: What does vapoware mean?

Whats about this Agent game? Are there any trailers or something?

AndrewWK said:
Question: What does vapoware mean?

Whats about this Agent game? Are there any trailers or something?

Vaporware is a term in the computer industry that describes a product, typically computer hardware or software, that is announced to the general public but is never actually released nor officially canceled. Vaporware is also a term sometimes used to describe events that are announced or predicted, never officially cancelled, but never intended to happen. The term also generally applies to a product that is announced months or years before its release, and for which public development details are lacking.


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Jay520 said:
The Last of Us - You guys really think this game exists? Lulz. Naughty Dog's up there working on Uncharted 4.

Oh you mean Uncharted 4: The Last of Us

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

Versus isn't vaporware >.

Chevinator123 said:
Versus isn't vaporware >.<

Nether is StarCraft: Ghost, Sadness, Highlander: The Game, Shenmue Online, This is Vegas, The Agent or The Grinder

You just have to B E L I E V E !

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

zarx said:
Chevinator123 said:
Versus isn't vaporware >.<

Nether is StarCraft: Ghost, Sadness, Highlander: The Game, Shenmue Online, This is Vegas, The Agent or The Grinder

You just have to B E L I E V E !

That's the sprit! nah i see what you did there lol, but seriously! it's not vaporware it's only been 1 year since the last trailer that's not that long, ok if it's not at this years E3 or TGS then ill go on the record and say it's vaporware.