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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - theprof00: WiiU is going to miss the mark

I've been reading a lot lately about the wiiU, and based on the features...keeping in mind that I haven't really seen the games yet... I think Nintendo is really setting themselves up for some missed expectations.

At the end of the day, the success of the wiiU is really going to come down to the gaming.
Nintendo would love to make another Wii. They want something that is going to hit as many people as the Wii did, and in that, I think they are going to miss the mark.

I stop and think about it for sometime 5-10 minutes during loading screens on my ps3, and you know, I really think Nintendo is just going to SNES themselves. I mean, for one, I'm really into it. It is being touted as an HD console, has a really gamer-oriented control style that can have some really interesting ineractive capabilities, can let me play while my gf is watching downton abbey (who am I kidding, I would liekly be watching the show), and is set to have a great opening price.


Who knows? All I know is that I would love to have a x360 so long as it's made by Nintendo.

EDIT: I should say, ANOTHER 360, since I already have one 360 clone.


Do you think Nintendo WiiU is going to be like the oft-revered SNES or will it be another Wii? Vita is right now my second favorite console next to the SNES. Will we potentially have another, just kickass console like that one? I'm not saying the wii was bad as much as I'm saying the SNES was excellent. Will Nintendo inadvertantly make an amazing console that doesn't quite hit their sales expectations but makes gamers ga-ga?

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The success of the WiiU depends on the price if it´s going to cost 600$ as rumored then it will have a very slow start, the second factor will be the power this console will provide, if it´s going to be as powerful as the PS3 then it will fail for sure, it needs to be as twice as powerfull as the PS3 if it want´s to compete with the nextgen PS and XBOX, and the third criteria will be the Launch titles. Darksiders 2 and AC3 are allready confirmed for the Wii U but this won´t be enough because these games will be also available on the PS3 and the XBOX360 so they´ll need some strong exclusives, Zelda and Mario won´t do the trick all alone. I guess these are the most obvious criterias and I hope Nintedo see it as well.

AndrewWK said:

The success of the WiiU depends on the price if it´s going to cost 600$ as rumored then it will have a very slow start, the second factor will be the power this console will provide, if it´s going to be as powerful as the PS3 then it will fail for sure, it needs to be as twice as powerfull as the PS3 if it want´s to compete with the nextgen PS and XBOX, and the third criteria will be the Launch titles. Darksiders 2 and AC3 are allready confirmed for the Wii U but this won´t be enough because these games will be also available on the PS3 and the XBOX360 so they´ll need some strong exclusives, Zelda and Mario won´t do the trick all alone. I guess these are the most obvious criterias and I hope Nintedo see it as well.

Why would it need to be twice as powerful as the ps3 and 360 when the wii was like half as powerful and outsold both?

I'm sure it won't be 600$ either. People spouting those numbers are likely fanboys/trolls.

I remember on 4chan and reddit when vita was announced and gamestop had a placeholder price of 599$, so you really can't trust the $600 figures that get thrown out there.

that was just my opinion. And was about the half price of the PS3 and it was something new. I ve read a rumour about the Wii U price will be about 600$ because the new tablet controller is so expensive and Nintendo want´s to make profit out of every unit. I hope it will succeed, and if they release a decent new Zelda game I´ll consider to buy it.

I just don't see a market for WiiU outside of Nintendo fanboys. Current HD gamers will stick to their current HD systems. WiiU simply isn't powerful enough to give an experience (beyond true 1080p) that can't be had already. Unless WiiU has some amazing 3rd party exclusives, but if MS and Sony can't get AAA 3rd party exclusives anymore I don't see how Nintendo will.

On the other end, I don't (yet) see any appeal for the casual market with WiiU. Great games might change that, but where Wii (and DS) brought all new more-accessible-than-ever gameplay to the table, WiiU brings a touchscreen which is now standard and most everyone has that game experience already.

In my mind WiiU is equal to PS3 with Move or 360Kinect. If it costs more than those do, it's DOA. Even if it's less, without some ingenius gameplay to really sell it's unique features, it'll struggle to find an audience.


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Nintendo will always dominate the kids market. My 5 year old will want the Wii U just to play the new super mario brothers that comes out. So now all they need to do is get some of the older hardcore players to switch over. Getting that market share will be difficult but it is possible.  And I think most gamers would agree that you can't get that type of game on any other system.  Nintendo did fabulous job with that game.  Worth the price of the wii.  Mario will sell the Wii U to Nintendos core and that enough to stay in the market and maybe convince others to join the fun.

theprof00 said:
AndrewWK said:

The success of the WiiU depends on the price if it´s going to cost 600$ as rumored then it will have a very slow start, the second factor will be the power this console will provide, if it´s going to be as powerful as the PS3 then it will fail for sure, it needs to be as twice as powerfull as the PS3 if it want´s to compete with the nextgen PS and XBOX, and the third criteria will be the Launch titles. Darksiders 2 and AC3 are allready confirmed for the Wii U but this won´t be enough because these games will be also available on the PS3 and the XBOX360 so they´ll need some strong exclusives, Zelda and Mario won´t do the trick all alone. I guess these are the most obvious criterias and I hope Nintedo see it as well.

Why would it need to be twice as powerful as the ps3 and 360 when the wii was like half as powerful and outsold both?

I'm sure it won't be 600$ either. People spouting those numbers are likely fanboys/trolls.

I remember on 4chan and reddit when vita was announced and gamestop had a placeholder price of 599$, so you really can't trust the $600 figures that get thrown out there.

Gamestop Vita placeholder was actually $999.

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Will it be a sucess. I do think so, because Nintendo always have the Mario and Zelda Fans which will buy the console blind.
But will it be as succesfull like the wii. I highly doubt it for several reasons.

1. PS4 and X Box 720 will anounce soon and will steals some of the hype.
2. Gamers who wait for a next gen console, because of the graphics, will likely buy a PS4 or X Box720 half a year later with better graphics.
3. Right now the Wii U has the same problem like the ps vita has---- to many ports
Really if i can buy Darksiders 2, Assassins Creed 3, Bioshock Infinite and Ninja Gaiden 3 on a cheaper console why should i buy an expensive Wii U for just that games?
4. The Wii was so succesful because of the casual audience. With Microsoft and Sony also gaining for that audience it is clear that the Wii U will not have the same support like the Wii has.

Will it contain Nintendo 1st party games?


Therefore it will do fine.

SunofKratos said:
Will it be a sucess. I do think so, because Nintendo always have the Mario and Zelda Fans which will buy the console blind.
But will it be as succesfull like the wii. I highly doubt it for several reasons.

1. PS4 and X Box 720 will anounce soon and will steals some of the hype.
2. Gamers who wait for a next gen console, because of the graphics, will likely buy a PS4 or X Box720 half a year later with better graphics.
3. Right now the Wii U has the same problem like the ps vita has---- to many ports
Really if i can buy Darksiders 2, Assassins Creed 3, Bioshock Infinite and Ninja Gaiden 3 on a cheaper console why should i buy an expensive Wii U for just that games?
4. The Wii was so succesful because of the casual audience. With Microsoft and Sony also gaining for that audience it is clear that the Wii U will not have the same support like the Wii has.

Because of different gameplay and other exclusive games?

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

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