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Will it be a sucess. I do think so, because Nintendo always have the Mario and Zelda Fans which will buy the console blind.
But will it be as succesfull like the wii. I highly doubt it for several reasons.

1. PS4 and X Box 720 will anounce soon and will steals some of the hype.
2. Gamers who wait for a next gen console, because of the graphics, will likely buy a PS4 or X Box720 half a year later with better graphics.
3. Right now the Wii U has the same problem like the ps vita has---- to many ports
Really if i can buy Darksiders 2, Assassins Creed 3, Bioshock Infinite and Ninja Gaiden 3 on a cheaper console why should i buy an expensive Wii U for just that games?
4. The Wii was so succesful because of the casual audience. With Microsoft and Sony also gaining for that audience it is clear that the Wii U will not have the same support like the Wii has.