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I just don't see a market for WiiU outside of Nintendo fanboys. Current HD gamers will stick to their current HD systems. WiiU simply isn't powerful enough to give an experience (beyond true 1080p) that can't be had already. Unless WiiU has some amazing 3rd party exclusives, but if MS and Sony can't get AAA 3rd party exclusives anymore I don't see how Nintendo will.

On the other end, I don't (yet) see any appeal for the casual market with WiiU. Great games might change that, but where Wii (and DS) brought all new more-accessible-than-ever gameplay to the table, WiiU brings a touchscreen which is now standard and most everyone has that game experience already.

In my mind WiiU is equal to PS3 with Move or 360Kinect. If it costs more than those do, it's DOA. Even if it's less, without some ingenius gameplay to really sell it's unique features, it'll struggle to find an audience.