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I've been reading a lot lately about the wiiU, and based on the features...keeping in mind that I haven't really seen the games yet... I think Nintendo is really setting themselves up for some missed expectations.

At the end of the day, the success of the wiiU is really going to come down to the gaming.
Nintendo would love to make another Wii. They want something that is going to hit as many people as the Wii did, and in that, I think they are going to miss the mark.

I stop and think about it for sometime 5-10 minutes during loading screens on my ps3, and you know, I really think Nintendo is just going to SNES themselves. I mean, for one, I'm really into it. It is being touted as an HD console, has a really gamer-oriented control style that can have some really interesting ineractive capabilities, can let me play while my gf is watching downton abbey (who am I kidding, I would liekly be watching the show), and is set to have a great opening price.


Who knows? All I know is that I would love to have a x360 so long as it's made by Nintendo.

EDIT: I should say, ANOTHER 360, since I already have one 360 clone.


Do you think Nintendo WiiU is going to be like the oft-revered SNES or will it be another Wii? Vita is right now my second favorite console next to the SNES. Will we potentially have another, just kickass console like that one? I'm not saying the wii was bad as much as I'm saying the SNES was excellent. Will Nintendo inadvertantly make an amazing console that doesn't quite hit their sales expectations but makes gamers ga-ga?