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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GIVE DOUBLE FINE YOUR MONEY (if you have a soul)

Holy shit!

The guys responsible for the bestest adventure games of all time - yes, all of them - are putting out a Kickstarter project. If they raise $400k they'll make a point and click adventure game, which they are the best at! If you donate $15 you basically purchase the game and get to watch it being made!

This project is all about watching games being made! Awesome games.



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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
blindly buying a game ... no thanks

Thou wretch! Thou fiend! Thou blighter of pure lands, thou ravager of women, thou defiler of holy ground, thou burner of villages, thou braggart, thou knave, thou villain, thou Phillistine are you freaking kidding me this is DOUBLE FINE.

These sons of bitches made PSYCHONAUTS and DAY OF THE TENTACLE.

You give them your money!

Here, fine, just give me your wallet and I'll do it

Watching a game be made? So I get to watch a guy sit at the computer hammering away at the keyboard all day long. Count me in!

Well I'm putting in a 100$ in since I know I'm only buying two games for the next 3 months...

Former something....

I rather pay for a game or invest in a game with the chance of getting a return.

Donating money for a project that may or may not be completed seems dumb.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Around the Network

400K for a point and click game? what is this , 1980 ? those games can be made blindfolded these days, and i don't think its going to be running on DOS using Floppy disk and a 20 MB Ram PC either, this is an awesome scam, I wonder if other developers are going to do this crap.

They'll be fine without my services.




SmokedHostage said:
I rather pay for a game or invest in a game with the chance of getting a return.

Donating money for a project that may or may not be completed seems dumb.

This is going to blast past the minimum for funding, and you're not actually charged unless the minimum is met regardless.


Members of GamrConnect: soulless monsters, or monstrous souls? More at 11

Khuutra said:
SmokedHostage said:
I rather pay for a game or invest in a game with the chance of getting a return.

Donating money for a project that may or may not be completed seems dumb.

This is going to blast past the minimum for funding, and you're not actually charged unless the minimum is met regardless.


Members of GamrConnect: soulless monsters, or monstrous souls? More at 11

I must agree they are souless and I'm ashamed of them.

Former something....

Done - with mild reluctance. Now please deliver, Gilbert & Schafer.

(They could've easily asked one of the German publishers who fund most of the European point&click games, which sell next to nothing, but I guess it's hipper in this social network era we live in to ask your fans for their money twice.
"You fight like a dairy farmer."
"How appropriate. I'm milked like a cow." )

BTW: Wrong link in OP (unless it was on purpose).