Well I did impressions of Move a while back, I actually bought that device cause it was within my price range and has a few games that interested me, my day with Kinect was over at my friends place, he only had a couple of games and had to play them together with everyone so it won't be as complete as my Move impressions, mainly because the best looking games Dance Central and Kinectimals wasn't there.
First thing right off the bat, the device needed space, for the average home or apartment, a bit too much, we had to stand with our backs up against his dresser just to be in the recommended range, his room was much larger than my room and had more space than his living room, that's going to be a problem if you're trying to market to the average family, IE the mass market.
Two, you don't have instant responses when picking options, this might be a nit-pick for some people, for me it isn't, having a B/circle/back button is a nice thing, its instant, its there, and lets to navigate menus quickly. Kinect? Hold your arms in a position for a few seconds to pull up a menu, see the option you want to choose, move your hand over there, hold it for a few more moments, rinse and repeat for every option you want to choose.
Number three there is a noticeable lag, like there was a slight lag with Move but Kinects lag can actually interfere with games in a major way. Playing Kinect Adventures' Reflex Ridge which actually does require timing you'll come to places where you have to jump and duck, you can jump right before the obstacle comes all day long you'll still hit the thing, jumping right before is the natural thing to do but what you have to do is account for the lag and jump about a second before the obstacle cause then it registers your jump and you'll jump over it, same could be said about any other obstacle but unlike ducking to get ready for a obstacle coming at you, you simply can't hang time to make sure you're in the air for it gravity doesn't work that way
20,000 leaks other than being an incredibly lame name/idea for a game, is reasonably responsive, unlike Reflex Ridge you don't really have the lag getting in the way. As the name sorta alludes to, you've got leaks and you need to plug them, how do you do this you ask? Well with your hands, feet, and head. The longer the leak goes unplugged the more water that will fill the tank/sub/bathysphere you're in and you're under a time limit. It's mindless, it can sometimes not do what you want your avatar to do, this only becomes an issue when you have to plug multiple leaks at once to fix them, if you have any clutter/friends you might want to move them I almost slapped a friend trying to plug a leak when the avatar didn't do what I wanted it to.
Rally Ball is brick out with dodge balls, it's sorta fun, much more so than 20,000 leaks, much like the lag in other games when the balls moving fast you can end up missing the ball, not a huge deal since you take up most of the area anyway so 90% of the time you'll hit the ball without even trying lol you really only swing when you want to put that extra power behind it.
Kinect Sports:
Much better than Kinect Adventures all around but only got to play bowling and boxing.
Bowling, it simply doesn't beat Wii Sports/Resort/High Velocity Bowling, that said, it's good, it's fun, it's enjoyable with friends and it's responsive. The main issue with the game it's hard to repeat the action you did to get a strike and sometimes you'll get a totally different response, something that doesn't happen with other motion bowling games, like you want to hit the 1/2 or 1/3 pin to have a better chance to get a strike, one time you'll do a motion that will allow you do to it, try to repeat that motion and for some reason the same basic motion will add spin and you end up only hitting a few pins. One reason other bowling games top this is the tactile feedback, something in your hands that you're moving and simulating throwing the ball down the lane.
Boxing, the lag creeps in, no where near as bad as Kinect Adventures again, and it doesn't cause problems unless you're trying to quickly switch blocking positions to block a punch. Punching itself is a lot like Wii Sports boxing, blows to the head, blows to the body, mix up to get around blocking, it's fun, could be better though.
Bottom line:
The Kinect itself has lag issues, you're not going to have a game that is immediately responsive, games like Dance Central seems to mask things a bit better cause of the sort of game it is, but others can't have that luxury. Not having any other ways input actions IE not having a joystick will limit what types of games can be made severely, mainly meaning games will have to have characters either stationary or on rails.
Is it all bad? No, by far it's the best motion camera I've ever used. Is it for the mass market? Hell no. 150 dollars is a pretty steep investment for the average person (if they have a 360 already), it requires more room than the average person has, and games just don't have the magic of Wii Sports, or fun of Sports Champions.
Hopefully I can get the chance to play Dance Central soon cause that seems to be THE game for Kinect and could be really fun.
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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