Mr Puggsly said:
I don't understand your Guitar Hero anology. But if you elaborated I can tell you why its stupid. What exactly is a core gamer exactly? Someone who doesn't like Wii games? What about people who just play a few game like Halo and CoD? Are they core even if they don't have interest in many game? People could just get a Wii and save money, but it also depends on what people want to play or experience they are looking for. The Kinect seems great on its own and when people are done with motion games. They can also delve into the the 360's wonderful library that uses a thing called a joystick. Hence, its not like $300 just gets you a machine that plays Kinect games. |
LOL Guitar Hero is one of the best casual games of the past decade, the series didn't grow after World Tour it shrank. Rock Band vying for the same crowd started the 4 instrument thing and it was fairly expensive too. Price has a lot to do with if your typical non gamer buys a product, unlike gamers they don't spend hundreds of dollars on games every year. Also not why you're trying to call others references stupid? Not really sure what the attitude is going to help you accomplish.
And the whole point to a casual gamer product is they have games they can pick up and play, put down, and play again for 30 minutes to an hour with themselves or with others, they're not likely to sit down and play games that require hours of investment, so using "a thing called a joystick" is sorta pointless to them unless you can think up some exceptional casual Xbox games that use the joystick (again that was more needless attitude that isn't doing anything for a debate other than trying to rile things up, makes the other person mad, you don't get anywhere in trying to convince someone of your point by doing that)
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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