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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Red Dead Redemption vs Alan Wake - Which will you purchase first?


Red Dead Redemption vs Alan Wake - Which will you purchase first?

Red Dead Redemption 69 48.59%
Alan Wake 73 51.41%

Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake are being released the same day for Xbox 360. Both are going to be big sellers and loved by fans. Question is, which game will you buy first (or only buy)?

EDIT: I should have put an option, BOTH. sorry about that!!!

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Well RDR sounds more appealing to me. I like the whole Wild West theme.

Alan Wake, because I don't really enjoy sandbox that much.... Although I'll probably rent, and if good buy Red dead

Alan Wake, no doubt.

iIm not a big horror fan so ill give Alan Wake a rent when its available... as far as RDR im all over that at the midnight launch

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Alan Wake

Red Dead Redemption. But then again I don't have a 360 lol
I would still choose Red Dead Redemption though.

Red Dead Redemption! is going to kick ass. I'm almost sad that I'm leaving on a trip when it comes out so I can't play some awesome online with friends :(

If I purchase any of these games, and I'm not sure if I will yet, It would be Alan Wake

Red Dead Redemption!!