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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Red Dead Redemption vs Alan Wake - Which will you purchase first?


Red Dead Redemption vs Alan Wake - Which will you purchase first?

Red Dead Redemption 69 48.59%
Alan Wake 73 51.41%

Red Dead Redemption

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"Man is born free but is everywhere in chains" - Rousseau

I'm not too excited for red dead. So alan wake for me.

Alan Wake

...Nice I evened Up the poll.....

Anyways Im really dissapointed that more 360 owners arent going to be supporting such an amazing game from day 1....

not to mention that its exclusive, Do you guys not realize Alan Wake is a new IP for 360 which will show MS that new exclusive IP's sell well on the console.........which means, that future exlcusive IP's are at risk if the game sells poorly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I preordered the LE Alan Wake yesterday!

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.

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themanwithnoname said:
I preordered the LE Alan Wake yesterday!

looks like you didnt vote for it


....edit: Sorry Evened Out Again

Both i reckon on day one.

I think i will get both but i am getting Red Dead for sure .... only thing i am questioning about alan wake is am i gonna want to play it again after i beat it or will there be enough dlc for making the purchase worth while ( alan wake could only be a rent for me )

I haven't paid any attention to Red Dead Redemption and so know nothing about it. I will be buying Alan Wake though...

Ordered both at the same time, well technically I said Alan Wake first, so I will go with that

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