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I just watched Dragon (2006 film)...

...needless to say, it was a fucking disaster. I only borrowed it from my friend because he told me about how shit it was, and i wanted to see it with my own eyes.

The cast were unknown, and terrible at acting (especially the main, she sucked)

The special effects were laughable (the dragon looked like the dragon from Jason and the Argonauts (1963 film)...but worse)

Throughout the entire film the set didnt change (every scene was shot in the one forest)

The make-up was ridiculous (the women were wearing shiny lip-gloss)

The costumes were ridiculous (one of the guys was wearing the fakest wig you could possibly imagine)

The soundtrack was AWFUL...seriously, i had to mute the TV at one point

The writing was terrible (the lines were cheesy and im pretty sure i couldve predicted every line of dialogue if i had paused the TV)


However, despite it's many flaws, I LOVED IT!! 

Throughout the entire film I was in hysterical laughter most of the just got worse and worse, which made it even funnier! On paper the film shouldnt work, BUT IT DOES!!

Anyway, I was just wondering what other shitty films the VGChartz community could reccommend to me. Soo...what's the worst film you've ever seen?