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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendomination at an end?

nintendo... will consinute to dominate I belive

@Leo-j , you did hear that the japs aren't particularly in love with the ps3? This was said by a japanese book writer that, if i recall , was in the gaming buisness for some time.

Now it remains to be seen if the guy was talking nonsense or not, but it would seem to me that even  having some developers and journalists say those kind of things could spell out trouble for Sony in Japan.....let's face it, the ps3 isn't exactly shining in it's homeland.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




Hahahahahahaha! You call THAT period Nintendomination? Hahahahahahaha!

Nintendomination is not at an end. It hasn't even begun yet. Hahahahahaha! I love it.

That was the 1st phase in the plan. Nintendo's preparing for the transformation and shedding of the bad karma of the past 11 years. Once cleansed the TRUE Nintendomination will begin.

When TRUE Nintendomination begins the efforts you see from the competition will not be even close like they were in the 1st phase. XBox 360 won't be seen as a contender and PS3 will be totally engulfed.

Nintendo led by far only in its "larval stage". Once this creature blooms out to butterfly people will be absolutely SICK of seeing Nintendo on the charts. Hardware and software worldwide by large margins sometimes without any competition in the top 10 at ALL. Maybe not even in the top 20.

Nintendo hasn't even gotten started yet, bruh. I don't know what YOU talkin' 'bout. When it happens you will look back on 2007 as a faint glimmer compared to the blinding light that you see in the next coming years.

They haven't finished transforming the industry yet and some of the old-rules contenders still have a chance. Once Nintendo completes the circle it's NES all over again. I said it many times before. Wii is the 2nd coming of the NES, the Famicom, the Family Computer. In every possible inference you can gather from that. Sales, cultural impact, industrial influence, profit margins, whatever.

2007 is the last year where Nintendo will seem like an equal to the competition. You haven't seen anything yet. Prepared to get your mind blown.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot




Not sure why this topic line even exists...  unless you're questioning others' statements of the end?

Anyway, all I have to say is Wii outsold the XBox360 worldwide this week, so no, domination isn't over.

Even according to everyone in the thread, Nintendo in a game drought for another month or so, and Halo3 being out, XBox360 STILL sold less than Wii.  That's a fact, which means the fact is, Wii sales > XBox360 sales, even with odds against.  

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.

I don't think that the Wii domination is over but what I see is that the 360 and the PS3 are going up, and there still a lot of good games coming for all three consoles, its going to be so interesting to see how this year ends.

johnlucas said:

Hahahahahahaha! You call THAT period Nintendomination? Hahahahahahaha!

Nintendomination is not at an end. It hasn't even begun yet. Hahahahahaha! I love it.

That was the 1st phase in the plan. Nintendo's preparing for the transformation and shedding of the bad karma of the past 11 years. Once cleansed the TRUE Nintendomination will begin.

When TRUE Nintendomination begins the efforts you see from the competition will not be even close like they were in the 1st phase. XBox 360 won't be seen as a contender and PS3 will be totally engulfed.

Nintendo led by far only in its "larval stage". Once this creature blooms out to butterfly people will be absolutely SICK of seeing Nintendo on the charts. Hardware and software worldwide by large margins sometimes without any competition in the top 10 at ALL. Maybe not even in the top 20.

Nintendo hasn't even gotten started yet, bruh. I don't know what YOU talkin' 'bout. When it happens you will look back on 2007 as a faint glimmer compared to the blinding light that you see in the next coming years.

They haven't finished transforming the industry yet and some of the old-rules contenders still have a chance. Once Nintendo completes the circle it's NES all over again. I said it many times before. Wii is the 2nd coming of the NES, the Famicom, the Family Computer. In every possible inference you can gather from that. Sales, cultural impact, industrial influence, profit margins, whatever.

2007 is the last year where Nintendo will seem like an equal to the competition. You haven't seen anything yet. Prepared to get your mind blown.

John Lucas

 QFT. Im surprised that most of the people still don't get that this is just the beginning...

Wait until the wii drops its price to 150$ or even 100$ with Mario galaxy, Mario kart, Smash and all the rest of the games out.... if you dont like Nintendo winning, you will hate life.


carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

John Lucas is the anti-Leo J.

Again, calm down people. Only this holiday will give us a clear telling of the rest of this gen. If Wii sells the 5-7m I, and more in John's case, think they can, there will be no stoppage to the nintendomination.

Wojtas said:
Hold it! People, cut the "removing backwards compatibility was a good move by Sony, look how many units they're moving now." chatter. Do you even know how many of those units are 40 gb or 60 gb? Someone posted a report on a different thread that 40 gb sku PS3's were about 12% of the total amount sold this week. Meaning that it was some 8k units sold. I don't think that Sony should start celebrating "another succesful sku" just yet.

I'm just going on the numbers here, 32,000 two weeks ago, 31,000 last week, 77,000 this week.  Mighty big jump if you ask me.

Soriku said:
johnlucas has spoken...


You Spoony Bard!

The thing I try to remember is that the Wii is doing well in all three locations. It has since launch without stumbling. This if nothing else keeps demand high and will keep a variety of games in the works.

Bravo to the 360. I thought the Halo bump would be much sharper. Overall I think it moved about as many consoles as I thought but the NA surge that started two weeks before the launch is still going strong. I have to wonder where all the people are at that were declaring the Wii would be ahead of the 360 in NA this year.

Impressive week for the PS3. It looks like the 40GB might do the trick to turn this into a 3 way race.

And it is amazing that we still hear that this is all about price. If that is the case why doesn't Sony drop the PS3 and relaunch the PS2. It's only $129.

I will give the Sony side it's due. With two high end components(game system and Blu-Ray) economics of scale could work for them even faster. Since they are already cut to the bone will manufacturing savings come fast enough?

Final* Word on Game Delays:

The game will not be any better or include more content then planned. Any commnets that say so are just PR hogwash to make you feel better for having to wait.

Delays are due to lack of proper resources, skill, or adequate planning by the developer.

Do be thankful that they have enough respect for you to delay the game and maintain its intended level of quality.

*naznatips is exempt