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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendomination at an end?

Dodece said:
I wasn't aware I was handing out gold medals. When was I anointed with this most heavy of burdens? Was there a committee discussion, or some general election that I missed. Seriously this thread was never a race, and it was never a contest. Perhaps in the minds of fanatics.

Here is the irony of the entire thread all I did was ask a hard question. Did I propose a prediction nope I didn't. Was the question unfair, or something Nintendo could not obtain. You know what at the time of asking I bet a number of posters thought that Nintendo could get right back to that point of utterly destroying the competition in the most humiliating way possible. The irony is that the definition wasn't far fetched considering what Nintendo had done. Only now is it unfair since Nintendo didn't or couldn't have done it.

I wonder if anyone grasps that Nintendomination as I defined it was a huge compliment. You guys do realize the term means a insane level of ass kicking?
So what if Nintendo couldn't continue to do what it was doing. Through the end of the year. Do I understand that none of you think Nintendo can ever do that again, and why do you think that now. Have a little faith.

My comments about your holiday presents are simple enough to understand. Don't you think its a little off that your spending so much time on these forums in what is a dead week year after year. We never get gaming news through the last week of the year, and it should probably be rather boring until at the very least February. You shouldn't be spending this much time on the forums let alone obsessing about a single thread. A thread by the way that is months old, but is on the front page every single time I visit.

Responding paragraph by paragraph:

Do you really need to be that melodramatic?  Everyone understood that it was just an analogy for the situation.  If you have a valid argument then use it, but this kind of responce is something I thought was beneath you.

The irony of the thread is that you weren't asking a question at all but using a question to make a statement.  Now that this has turned on you, rather than owning up to it you scramble to save face...and the real irony is that its having the exact opposite effect. 

I think most of us understand how much of an "ass-kicking" your definition is, but what you don't seem to realize is that this level of "ass-kicking" has been maintained.  During the holidays a 2:1 ratio is much harder to maintain than the rest of the year, the higher the sales numbers the harder the ratio is to maintain, a very simple concept and one I am sure you understand.  So why then is it so hard to understand that a 1.8:1 ratio during the holidays is as good or better than a 2:1 ratio during the normal part of the year?  

Once again you try to redirect the topic in a thinly veiled attempt to focus attention away from your uncomfortable predicament. The absurdity is of course that you are on these forums doing precisely that which you tell us not to.  But you take it even further with the absurdity of your feigned concern for the amount of time we spend on this forum.  Save us all the trouble of reading yet another attempt to redirect the thread and omit it from your ironically inevitable rebuttal.


So now, are you going to ignore Sri Lumpa's points?  

Its plain to see that even the criteria you set forth didn't require "multiples".  But even if it had, as I have already commented, maintaining a ratio of 1.8 during the holidays is easily as impressive, if not more so, than maintaining a 2:1 ratio during the remainder of the year.

The simple fact is that everyone except you sees that the Domination is in full swing.  I don't know why this had to turn bitter for you, or why you insist on being correct but I do hope you will consider the fact that you literally have nobody who shares your view of the situation and take it as a sign that you should stop being so damn stubborn.  Nobody is right all the time and you win more points by owning up to your mistakes than hiding from them. 

To Each Man, Responsibility

i think it's time to let it go... even i myself am getting a little sick of seeing this thread in the "hot topics", let alone dodece.

the Wii is an epidemic.

Nintendomination has ended...Nintendo transcendence has begun, Nintendo has gone beyond the mere concepts of conflict and reached a pinnacle no other gaming companies have ever achieved


Nintendo is the gaming industry now 


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Dodede has already started an alt account and has over 100 posts. He's going into stealth mode to rebuild. He wants to build up trust and respectibility before he starts spinning out whole cloth F.U.D. I often wonder if he gets payed for it or if he is in some kind of training program.

If I ever became a pro wrestler, I would totally go by the name Nintendomination. I just wanted to say that before locking this topic.