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Hahahahahahaha! You call THAT period Nintendomination? Hahahahahahaha!

Nintendomination is not at an end. It hasn't even begun yet. Hahahahahaha! I love it.

That was the 1st phase in the plan. Nintendo's preparing for the transformation and shedding of the bad karma of the past 11 years. Once cleansed the TRUE Nintendomination will begin.

When TRUE Nintendomination begins the efforts you see from the competition will not be even close like they were in the 1st phase. XBox 360 won't be seen as a contender and PS3 will be totally engulfed.

Nintendo led by far only in its "larval stage". Once this creature blooms out to butterfly people will be absolutely SICK of seeing Nintendo on the charts. Hardware and software worldwide by large margins sometimes without any competition in the top 10 at ALL. Maybe not even in the top 20.

Nintendo hasn't even gotten started yet, bruh. I don't know what YOU talkin' 'bout. When it happens you will look back on 2007 as a faint glimmer compared to the blinding light that you see in the next coming years.

They haven't finished transforming the industry yet and some of the old-rules contenders still have a chance. Once Nintendo completes the circle it's NES all over again. I said it many times before. Wii is the 2nd coming of the NES, the Famicom, the Family Computer. In every possible inference you can gather from that. Sales, cultural impact, industrial influence, profit margins, whatever.

2007 is the last year where Nintendo will seem like an equal to the competition. You haven't seen anything yet. Prepared to get your mind blown.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot