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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendomination at an end?

For PS3 to be dominant like PS2, they dont need any more price cuts(for now) they need SOFTWARE, like PS2 had. Anything for everyone to choose and play, PS3 lacks that.

PS3 might beggin to dominate when games like MGS4, Grand Tourismo 5, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Killzone 2,etc; get to rool every month. thats what might make difference. Without that no way in hell.

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Nintendomination is not the same as winning. Nintendomination refers to extraordinary domination. Such as outselling the competition by four hundred percent. Which Nintendo has been doing to Sony in Japan, or outselling the 360 by over two hundred percent in North America which Nintendo has done. That is what Nintendomination means.

Nice to see the Fanboys on these forums can jump to extraordinary conclusions. The question is will Nintendo have that kind of domination again. Which is hard to imagine given the current numbers. They did not dominate this week, and they have not had that kind of obscene domination for a few weeks for example in North America. They have not run riot.

The question is whether Nintendomination will continue. Not whether Nintendo will win or lose. Hell its not even a question of whether Nintendo will not have a reasonable margin its about the obscene dominance that has charactarized the sales of the Wii.

Hold it! People, cut the "removing backwards compatibility was a good move by Sony, look how many units they're moving now." chatter. Do you even know how many of those units are 40 gb or 60 gb? Someone posted a report on a different thread that 40 gb sku PS3's were about 12% of the total amount sold this week. Meaning that it was some 8k units sold. I don't think that Sony should start celebrating "another succesful sku" just yet.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




Next time Dodece, please define what "Nintendomination" means in the original post. Since apparently no understands what you're talking about. Except for you.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

Oh... so you are asking not if, but by how much will Nintendo continue to dominate?


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I think a more reasonable analysis can be made after Christmas.

If the Wii isn't selling, you'll know right away based on figures for SMG or WiiFit when they hit Japan next to hardware.

Basically, no one here is wrong, until the numbers are in at year's end.

If the Wii happens to break 18 million by year's end...I don't think anyone can stop it from staying on top throughout this gen. If they don't break that figure, there is a realistic chance Sony and MS could creep back in to the race. (Especially MS... I don't know why everyone counts them out.)

Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!

If the question is "will extraordinary Nintendo domination continue" then obviously the answer is no since it already ended (for now).

Will it restart? Yes, eventually. I think the rest of this year will be quite close since the holiday season is always a big boost for the whole industry. Nintendomination may return to Japan on the release of WiiFit. For the rest of the world, it will probably restart sometime in Q1 2008.

leo-j said:

The price cut is coming later this month and 40gb comes out in november.. its been confirmed already. They have acted already. And OCT 28 FOLKS COULD BE 40GB U.S RELEASE $399.99

Oct. 28th, eh? Is that when SONY DOMINATION BEGINS?

I've lost count, shams doesn't have his calendar up

Seriously though, this is good for Sony to finally be neck and neck with the 360 worldwide, and much closer to the Wii. What they NEED to happen is to run out of 60GB in NA and FINALLY drop the price of the 80GB to $499. Having two SKUs at 399 and 499 would give Sony a much needed boost for the holiday season, methinks.


I think the Wii's domination won't go back up to those insane levels, unless after the holiday season they continue to deliver the goods at a ridiculous rate. Wii Fit will have to be a cultural phenomenon to see that kind of demand again. Yes, this is a slow season right before the holidays, but it does show that the Wii is, in fact, a mortal console! It won't continue to sell out come Feb/March if the right software isn't there to back it up.

I hope so :P cause ppl laughed at me when I said after 12 mil the Wii prices will slow down. I gather this period is due to hardware restraints and will boost soon with Wii fit. The problem is you want casual players and that is what you will get. Wii is now forced to make casual games as its main course. I personally think with the DS and Wii having similar types of games it's over-saturating them, and inevitably will turn ppl off playing the same old. As like the ps3, the Wii needs good games to capture what they have caught.

  Unleash The Beast!  

End of 2011 Sales: Wii = 90mil, 360 = 61mil, PS3= 60mil

@dolla dolla

Gamestop is no longer selling 60gb ps3's, there are barely any left. Its only a matter of time.

No dont laugh at me I told you be suprised very suprised.

